Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 201, 3 Kepakemapa 1894 — Page 3 Advertisements Column 4 [ADVERTISEMENT]
Masquerade - Ball-
——4.IVEX IiY THK Ioternatiooal - &iiuelzen QLUB. OLD ARMORY HALL Beretama Street, Monday, Sept. 3, ’94 Graud March eommeneea promptly at 9. m. Ever_v masker is retjuested to be oa tiroe s«i as to make this thk march of the season. None but those masked will be allowed on ihe Hoor unlil afler all have unmasked. Xt> mask must be removed until prizes are awarded. Anyone doing so will be barred from pnze eompetition. PKIZE3. Just read them over, aad tomorrow we wilL have them in M S. LEVY store window, whieh will l>e announced in the papers, so you ean see thtm as well; and if you dont say they are the most. beaut ful and s°rviceable that were evtr given—well, eall us —. You need nnt be ashamed to say that you woa them at the Schuetxen CIub Ball; they will be a credit to you and to us. The best of ali is, they wiil be awarded ‘*fair and square.” The judgea are unknown and wi!I matce lhtir decision while all are en nvisque. At the sound of a gong all wiil please assemble at the platfv>rm when the winning parties will be ca!ltd up costume and the prizes awarded then and there. The winner must then unmask in the presence of all, so everyone ean see who wins. LADIES’ PRIZES. First Prize. Best dre£ged lady character: A har.dsrtme silk dress pattetn. , Secoxd Pkize. Second b st dressed Iady character: A auperp alhum. Tir rd Prize. Funniest female character; One Turkish plush rug. 4x6 feed. Sec<>nd funniest female oharacter: One half dozen solid silver spoons. Best sustained feraale character: The finest pair of shoes in town. lf they dont fit, the judges willtell | you were t> get them changed. Best i*hard times” lady costume: I Fivepound bax purest Frencb ' candy. GEXTLEMEN’S PRIZE. First Pkize Finest dreased male characterPanama hat. Second finest dresscd male eharacter: One-half dozen silver spoons. Funniest dressed male character; ! Box [100j finest Havana cigars. [ Sccond funniest dressed male i char cter; One eoal oil stove. Best “Hard Times” mulecharacter: One bcd rug. Besides the above mantioned prizes others will be given out, at i the d:3ent:on of the judges, for worthy representations. for sale at Smijh’s Shoe Store and the Elile lee Cream i Parlos, eome and have the best time you e -'er had on tbe Islands. Everyb»dy is invitcd from the President do,wn. Prizes now on view at N. S , LEVY S Store, 75 Fort Street. aujJS-lwd I — —« —■— ■■■— i , To Let oi* Lease, A HOUSE on King »trect, ncst to T. Ri W»lker s pn?mi*e», coot«»ning p«rlor, dinnīns ro>ni. »nd threc bedrooms. be«īdoi kiiehen. bathroom. »ad ali modern eoneenienee*, Uteiv ocrnpied by Mr. Denison, Arte»ian w»ter l»5d; rcnl moderat« to res pon»Iblc !*nv. Addres* ‘ ABRAHAM FERXAXDEZ. ao£ J3-l(n
| Ho Ven 2^do. | Tinsmiths and Oealen I Crockery, GUssware, $c wateb pipes laio AXD PLLMB1X< NEATLY EXECT.TED No N miS3 »t, Kin? &ad KoU A*eu Baii tlieg jy5 2» SAM TEE HOP, So. 552 King Street, DeaLer i Culiforaia arul Hawaiian Froit acd Tagetibles. Gu&ra Jell\ Tea and Gr>aod Co£Eee. Oigarsetc " jy»