Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 201, 3 September 1894 — Page 3 Advertisements Column 3 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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Club ! Stabies Company, $.F. Maoa^ePl Livery and Feed f Stables t FORT STKEET, betweeu Ho- ] tel and Beretania Streets, ! Ilonololu. !' Both TeIephones 477 ■: jy23 Im E.ong . Branch i-8ATH)NG-1 Establishment. , This First-Class B.(thing Resort ; has been enlarged an<l is now onen ' to the pnblic, lt is the best plaee ‘ on the iī>lands to enjoy a Bath, and i there is no better olaee to Iay ofl. t St>ecial acc*immodations for Ladies. Tramcars pass the d‘>or every | half hour, and on Saturdays and 1 Sundays every fifteen minutes. C. J. SHERWOOD, jy24 Proprietor. ■I t |Woven Wire Mattresses Now, for the first tirae manufactured right here in Honolulu. By the only man outside of the United s Kingdom. who uses WIRE, whieh l will not Rl-ST; he haviog secured exclusive rights to use the same. : PATRONIZE HOME INDUSTRY r is a hackneyed phrase. But if you 3 want to buiid up a Nalion, industries must be foetered. Keep your = money in your own islanda, and j buy a - I Non-Corrosive Solid Comfoi 11 | Spring Bed, made in Honolnlu, whieh will n< t | SAG or RUST, or. r l r. A Perfection Cot, CbUtTsCrib, Verandab Ch*ir, Loonge, Threv-Quar.crs Sine<e »mt Foll size, FoUing Wire Bed». ARTICLES soitable to yonr elimale; PR1CES snitable to the | times, as you fiud them. For tbe* Hest HEl) in the Market, I rec>nnmend the HARTFURD WEAVE SPRING BED, Treble Wire all tbrough, WOYEN »s fine as cloth. Solid 4 iueh. Mnple fmraes, Malleable C«stings, Warranted in every particoUr. Xever yet failed to give satisfaction. I offer these g<w!a to tbe pubiic with confidence. haviag made tbem for years. You ean now get yoor very Large KOA BEDS, fitted with & WIEE MATTBESS. Any sixe made to order. Buv the B£D of the FUTUBE. cV Mcssrs. T. H. Davies k Co. Ll’d.. Hopn A Co., Williams Broe., I. X. L. Ōrdw»y A Porter, or of Ihe Maker W0VEN WIRE BAILEY, Hoiel StreeU Honolnlo, (next door to Hom’a Steam B*k*ry.) tog 14-1»