Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 201, 3 Kepakemapa 1894 — Page 3 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]
T{lE MlD-ūdEAfi POOL and BILLIAED PAULORS H. JUEX Proprietor HoteI Strcet ne*r N'uuanu. ■1 1 3 »1 l e I 3 * e 6 © A. S. MEBEIROS A* CO.. >Iei*ohant Tailoi*s. Amenean, Engli>h mJ Scotch Tweed» on h*nd. Fir»t<hw8 work gtukr*nteed. {Iotd 8t., nmler Arlington UoteI, Honoluln jy 17-lmon. Gust. A. Mauer, HAWAI1AX HOĪk'L BARBEIi ĪMdi< * Shampooing a speci■ alty. Honolulu. aug4 POUND MASTER’S XOTICE. NoUoe » bereby g»Ten to «11 pewons Iha here *re «t Lhe Ponnd *t AL> nki, t«o *tr»yed baifa, 1 bl»ci bnl j«n Jed Ron ngbl hind leg. 1 pineo bo! >na l iultKiibtbh oa ■ ■■■ leg. Anj persnn oe pnsson»'bwi»g lk*se boll kn rwJO?sted to ootae *nd Uke the uiu« ot »r befoie 12 o’eioek aoea, SATTJiiDAY >EPT. 15, JaYIES KEKONA, Poasd Msstei hUkiki, Ang. ». 1«H. »ng *M»dl FOH §ALE, FIXELY hred BUIX, teni« poi». E qnir* of Wm. Woolluun, «t DB- BOWATS «4.