Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 201, 3 September 1894 — Page 3 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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?hf <f alrmbr. I'OKI M- > 51*II* { Stcan;eh'p« will ie*ve for *n<l arr vr ;rvm San Frarc«et> and otb« foreij?T port», on or ab>mt tbe fo!lo«injt «ill thee!o«e of IKH. I.e*v* novourir Dcr. *t IlwoiOU r»>R S*v P*. 8a» F»\v<~»<» ol V*» Ol’Vl.t. OE V AV' OCVIE. Aa«tralii Jane23 Au»tralia June 1» Monowai Arawa Jnoe —< Wanimoo.... J«ilr 1 Maiipo** /«br® An«tr\lia Jnlj 21 \n*tmli*.,,. Juiy 14 Alam«ls Jul» ’2K "immoo.. ..In!v 23 An»wa Ang. I Moaowai Ao K-/ An«tral»a ...An K . 1A Au*tiah*... .Anjf. II Afaripx« Anp.-i Ara«a Anp. 23 Wammoo... Sept. I AiamMa Aup. -T0 An-inUi* 8cpt. l. r > Ausrtn»h» Aepl. 8 Monowai... ,Sept- 22 Warri«noo.. .l-epL 23 Arawa Oct. 3 M*riposa. . .Upt 2; Anst»lia OpC 10 Anstr*h* .... •°vt. 6 Al&nioa* tVt. 1S Arawa I»ct. 23 Wamnioo N'»v. 1 Monowai Oct. 25 Au«trali* .. .Xov. 10 Au»tr*lia..... Sov. 3 Maiipoa*.., .Sor. 15 Al*mtda .... Sov. 29 Aniwa I><«. I Wanimoo.. .>or.a | AustnŪia .Dee. 8 \n»tmha.... ■ !>*-•• 2 Alon >wai ....D«p. 13 Manpova....D«c. 20 ' Wammoo....Dcc.30 Arawa Dcc. 22 Anstr»Ua....I>cc. 31 vt;svi:t,v is poitT. JSAVAL VUvirj*.| n 11 M H HyTieiclb, May, R-imnnU. R. C. JjrKTHANTVirS. Am LkUie S S Hnbl»rd, S»n Fr.*n. j <»cr l>k S.'utft, Tien <nn, l ircrt»x>l ; ScLr \V 8T.iU*.>t, 11 <uiinm,Sewca.stle >8«. , }la lt P llishet, Morrison, 8 F. llklne Plantcr, Dow, Lysan Isl»nd. Pk C D Ilry*:it, Jjti>Lsi u, 8 F. lik Velocity, Murtin. Hougkong. Scht li»U rt Lew. r», Goodniftn, Wa hmgtou Hk Aitu*rn, Brown. Sewcastle, S 8 W. IHKI !(•> v»'.svi:i,v nipnCTED. Aiu Lk W S Pheli» .. .Gray « Hnr.. . .Dne H.-hr Allen A SP iMahi .du« S.'hr Itol«'rt I«-w«ts. .. (»r.iy’H'L'r......Due Br ship Onu*ra N. wcastle.... Aog. 20 Schr S4.I1. .8 1 K ih•.... Aul’. » O £088 Helgic \»kohfttua..Ang. 21 lik C D Ilrvaiit 8 F ...Aog. -- KM S 8 \fttripo.-ia Svdney.... Ang. Hk « S Wilooi Midd!esborongh. Aug CA 88 Aruwa VH!toouver... Ang. O S 8 Almunla SF Aug. CA 8 S «’nmmoo... .Sydney Ang. I’ M 8 S China 8>«n Pmn. ...8ept. liklne John 8nM«h... .Sewomdle. .Sopt. Ger bk Taul Inenbcrb.. Hn?men... Bark Rontenbeek LiverpooI. ..Sov. 24 30 S0 3 4 1 23 Wo will all be thero. Whore ? \Vhy, at Iho Schent«en Club Masq ieradc 15 il1 Monday j embor 3, 1S94. EvtTybouy is f going. Aro you ? * J. J. lVilliams the well-kuowu Arlistic Pbotographer is making n 8jH?cialty of portrait-s ou Watch Dials ami Silk Handkerchiefs. eomplelo sets of Lantern 8lides lecturcs eau bo had at the gallerj'. For they aro sold at a reasonable figure by the do*en or by tho huudred. (ioodbyo Hop and Hool' Don Voyage' Adieu' Ādtheous. Klucklische Ueiu! Drink Morning «nd Evening Star. N. IUIEHAM. Pethol St, Mulual Tel. 314. C1^U1TC0URTF1^TCI^U1T —0F THE — I^LAplU^. IN PROBATE. In thc uiaUcr of tlic cstatc of R<»« M*tt*m.v Ul* of Hunolulu. Oahu, «lcsc*»c»l. InOn thc rcadin£ auJ Clinc tbc ivt!t»on of MRS N ASCV 8TIL1.MAN of **«1 llonoluln. *llc*riug th*l R<>»c Mollem* of »ald Uouolnln. dicd intc»tatc *t Hod llouolnln. on thc 4th U*r of Fcbmary. A. 1> l*M. *nd pr»ylnjE thaf of Adinlna>tmtion iwue lo ber, »*id Nancr 8Uttnian. H l'» onleml. ihat on FRIDAT. tbc 9»t <iay of 8EPTEMBEB, V. IV 1*0*. bc asnl hcrcby I» apt>olnl«d for hcartng mKI pelllKm. tn tbc o>artr»wn of Uda*Court, at Uonolnln. a» whieh timc and plaeeall pcr»on* conc rocd mav a;',~-*r and «bow , au-e. U any lhcy h*vc, »fer wld iwHlion ahouU not bc gnntcd. lHud Hoooluln, 11 L. Ang. 34. A. D. 19sM. BY THE COrRT. CBxKiat» F. PrvEn*»is, Cltrk. *U£, 35-SSwdly NOTICE. I* fotar« «11 BILLS for nndcruklng will be p*y*hfe 00 pne*cntalM>B. W« *re eompd>e to rcs>>rt to thi» mle, on account of the inahiliU to ooilcct thc mat >rity of onx l'ndeft*kmg hill» *fter laiun!» »r» ovex. WILL1AM8 BK08., LD A. W1LUAM8. MnifV. «mC7 , J. H. THl-SCIiLER, ■* Boot & KhoemuUee. 1S0 F.yti $treet. Eepairlog, aettly Done, half sola «ni Utel with pegs, 11.00. Ea!f w>le aud hoM aewiog, $1.50. *U?