Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 201, 3 September 1894 — LOCAL NOTES. [ARTICLE]
Tbe organized 'Hawai ian Meseenger Semce” is dead. M.t“<(aerade to-night. i Tbe AuslraH« is dae bere next 5>«turd.iy. Oaha College commenced the fall term tbis morning. Tbe Pnnahon **kids' are on inty th : s roorning. No band coocert at Emuw Sqnare tbis eveniug. C«ptain May of H. B. M. S. Hvacinth addressed the V. M. C. A. last night. " . j 1 Messrs. John P k ichardson and A. N. Kepoikai arrived yesterday from Mani. j JDon’t forget the concert at the Kaumakapili Chorch to-morrow night. Officer Simon Von Topaz that was ia now simply Simon von Topaz that is. Pienie parties filled Smith s vesterday raoruing and ! evening. , — The Scheatzen Cl«b bal masqiu inkeaplaee iu the Beretania street Armory lhis evening. • The long continoed absence of rain caases agriculturalists to j feel soraewhat despondent. The steamer Warrimoo sailed for Vancoaver at G p. ra. on' Satnrday. Tbe new moon according to “Indi«n signs” denotes oontinued | dry weather. I * . C.ipt. Andrews employed his evening hours on Sunday in i obtnining cvielence against and capturing three swipe-sellers. If the stearaer Chiua arrives in tirao the National Band boys will give ono of their popular concerts ht tho Iloiel. The Sobeut7,eu Clab are preparing a red hol documont for prescntatiou to tho Councils. aftor the ‘'hall” is over. — Tho «nuiversary of Qaeen Lihuokalani’a birthd«y was duly obscrvcd by raany friends yesteri d«y. (ireat fatality amongst neat cattlo, occasioned by the contij nuwl drought, is reported from M«ui. " AV. W. Scolt is a “new dude in town" iu official position he has been appointed to a captaincy on the poliee force. — The Kinau brought 95ōū and the Mikahala 1580 b»gs of sugar, h total of 11,135, to port, Saturday and Sunday. The foreign kindergaHen school «t Queen Emma hall will be open for pupila next Mond«y. Is W. O. Smith a meraber? Mr. Samuel Parker will leave : to-mcrrow in the Kinau for Mana. He will rotnrn in the sarae stearaer witl» his family. — The coraraissioners who recent lv returned from Washington caliod on the Queen this morning «t ten o'eloek. Sans Souci was well patronixed yesterday. The popular resort is becoming a favorable institntion of this town. The McC«ndless Bros. exp?ct to reach a prolific source for the ; arlesian well ou the Hospital grounds during the coming week. Sportsmen were numerous yesterday and on Saturd«y. Ducks ’ were not very plentiful, bnt a good bag of pheasants wae brongbt to town. ► - The «ppointraenl of W. W. , | Scott to be a eapUin of tbe . 1 poliea in the plaee of Langley it v | not Y»ew©d with f«vor by the loeal offioera.
The ete«mer Cfeina from S«u Franeisco en ronte to Aokoham» is due here tbis evening. She brings news and m«il d«tes to Aug. ‘29 inclusive. OapUin Peter Le« of the Voleano Honse reports gre«t activity and lot« of gue«U at the famous Volc«no Houae. Honolnlu is safe at present from robbers. The notorious Conlter got six years on the reef, and will probably reform dnring tbat period. The government ought to eontribnte a little bay water if nothing else on the dnsty road to the Pali. There are no public-spirit-ed citizens living on Nuuanu avcnne at present. ■ - Mr. C. A. Spreckels arrived I from Maui io tho Claudine yesterday. His frieuds in San Fran(cisco wouKl look with adrairation at the present appearance of the well- knowu Californian geutlemau. He looks like a “sugarbaron" every ineh. Professor Oscar Herold, the ; leadiug teacher of music in Honolulu, returned to Honolulayosterd«v frora u j>leasunt visit on Knuai. Tho j>rofessor ieassuracs basiness and will help the wonld- ‘ be piano thurapors of Honolulu to j get above the ‘Ihump.’’ G. D. Nakayama, who has made hiraself very popular in Hawaii as an inspector of Japanese Immigration, leaves on the China. Tho inspector inteuds to return in throo or four montbs. A nuraber of lawyers will leavo for Kaua» to-mo»row. As a mle tbe ‘ Garden Island” is saved against any dangerons invasions. | Tbe appearance to morrow. at oue time, of Noumann, Peterson, Ashford, Rosa. Kinney and a dozen more puts a grave aspect on the republic. There was a private kiek betweeu au olel man and his spa, at a Manoa v;,lley luau yesterday afternoon, whieh resnlted insending ihe old man to the Hospital and the son to jail. The dangerous locatiou of tbo injury, intiicted, has uot resulted as serionsly as was, at first, expected. \VANTED A Patrolmanto watch poachers Fiftv (150) and house furnished His beat will be over all the grouuds covering the shooting sights on the other side of the Chinese Theatre. Apply to promises oppostte “I’olomna” P. S. No dead j>heasants wanted