Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 201, 3 Kepakemapa 1894 — Page 2 Advertisements Column 4 [ADVERTISEMENT]
The Whlte House! 118 Nuuanu Avenue, HONOLULU, HAWAIIAN I3LANDS \ Fipgt-cla$ fy)oming [lou^e IN’ EVERY RKSPi:CT. Rooms from $1-50 to $3.0Q m Weet or 50c. per DayPAUL LEMKE. PROPRIATOR, Bell Telephone 13*J. aug 22 POUNI) MASTER’S NOTICE. Kotice is herehy giveu to all pcrsons (hat tbere are at the <juveramect Pouu<I at Makiki. »ii sln»ye«l honai. 1 rcd burse, n bitspot on the forehoa.J, brande«l JKN on the left bind 1eg, poor!y eooUiUon. 1 while borse, bran.!eU A C on Uie loft hind leg, poorly eundition. 1 hlaek horsē, hranded Ton Ihe lett hln«i 1 rvd hor»e, while «pot uo the haek. brmnded J R oo the ngfat hlnd le«. 1 whlte hors« , brand indis«'rib*blc on ihe rlghl bind leg. pooriy con«Jition. 1 grey hop*e, white spot ou tbe forehoad. thr«?c wbite fcet, brand lodiscribabtu on the lef» hind leg. Any peoon or persons owing thcse horses are reqae»ted to eome and bkr tbe »am«? ou or before U1 o’eloek aoon 8ATCBDAT. SEPTEMBER 8, iiw». JAMES KUKONA, Poond Master, Makiki, Aug. 27. IS!M. *ug 27-Jw«ily NOTICE TO Vīsi{ors. Pienie Parties, Luaiis —AND—■ OENEKAL PUBLICI At SMirH’s Bcs aih> Livekv Stable, Kia«} Stueet. [Ad/>ining Metropolitan Meat Market.} U the Cheapest PUoe u> Tovs yt»n ean get Baaae», Wagonede*, Bagg.es and Bed<i!« Hunes. It will p*y y.. n to eu la { befure you 37 elsewbere. Maloal Telepbone 408 aagltf 290 Ring Up 290 United Carriage Company, M. REIS i J.C. OUINN mM A FINE “ MIONIOHI ” 8IALLION ooh heloBgi3g to P. D. benherg. The eoh ean b« «een al Uw PaNĪHEON 8IABUS lra to-monvw. tf. - .*■