Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 201, 3 Kepakemapa 1894 — LADIES' COLUMN. [ARTICLE]
We ha»e m*de Ihia discoTery that whea the tido of trade sets one way tbere w atways » caose for it-Th»t there are few. a «rry few. who bōy of us oat of eompHnaenl, but like the masscH. they bay here becanse they ean do the best. becanse the v*riety, the qnalities and prices are here and defy crsticism. Wo have not an Unparalielled Bargtin Hoswe fall of Suioke, Fire aod Water or Panie Pricea —bot a hoose wbere goods are sold at a prcfit to ua —a jnst and good valne lo. If yqn want moro tban that, yon will have to find some PhiIanthropic (?) 'merchant who wculd not recogniro hia goods nnder a search light. £minent physicians bolieve ia a frequent change of USDE8* WEAii >iothing more has aueh a decided hygieuic etfeot npon the system, or should l»e changed as ofteu. Nothing adds to your comfort more, or shouId demaud suoh olose inspection. Woalways tbonght wo earried ahe I»EST stock ia Uonolnlu. we kuow we have novor been undersold Let us sbow you oor MUSL1N UNDERWEAR the trimmiugs alone are worth looking at. Sometime ago we spoke about P. D. Corsets —smiles and eomfort, etc. The domand for theu» canscd us to ruu short of many sizes—fortunateiy we bad a large order placed direct with tbe faotor\- in Brussels. Tho goods aro here and your sizo is with them, Talking about Direct Importatious, — it means tho mamifaO' tnrers’ profit and oar profit. No midd!o men—there is saving for you, aawill beseeuin embroidered 'aud scolloped HANDKEKCI1IEFS from $900perdozen up. FLaNNELETTES at 8 yaids for $1 00. B. F. EHLERS & C0.