Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 201, 1 Kepakemapa 1894 — THE RIGHT OF MIGHT. [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu


| S&moans Oetting & Tute of Chriatlanity. Apia. Angost 13. Jast befor« we weni to press lasl week news reacbed Lere frora Ealealili tbat « party of the rebels lfaii reacbed tbat district and were destroying hoose&and looting it tbroaghont ! The Ealeaiili supportere of the government ut onee ieft Apia for tbe scene of aeiion. «nd three of tbem returned at uoon on tbe foliowing d«y bringing tbe information tbat a fight bad taken plaee, in whieh six ol the rebols Lad be«u kilied. From informatioa to b*nd it won!d appear tbat when tLe government supporters re«cL»-d Matantu (Falealili) they ob»rrved u large eanoe, tbe occupants (rebels) of whieh were engaged on shore Upon seeing tbeir enemies approach the rebels rushed for their boats. Before getting away fonr of them were killed and some wounded. Those killed were denuded of one ear eaeh. The victorious 1 party proceeded along the coast, and feli in with another small party, two of whom they killed and served in a like manner. The governraent then sent to Apia for re-inforcements und more ara1 rannitions. When on the way down the Motootua road Chief Justice Ide. raet one of the messengers, who bad six ears strung on a pole. His Honor inforraed the individual that snch couduct was a breach of the law aud that if he persisted iu it he would be arrested and panished. The raan then concealed his - ghastly trophies, On the same day one of the governraent sapporters at Atna, who had strayed from his eamp, was suot and bebeaded by tbe Lutuanuu rebels. As is known tho Cura<»oa aud | Bussard left harbor yesterday, | going iu the direetion of Atua. : A large number of government supporters were sumraoned from Falealili and Aana, nnd ordered to mobiiise at Laulii. L»st night the rebels were ordered to dis- ; perse from Luluanuu. This raorning at uiue o’eloek the rebel forts at Lulu muu and Soloaolo were shelled aud destroved, the whole of the warships taking part. The government troojis are expected to occnpy the Atua coast for some distauce. This pro- ! oeeding will doubtless havo a good etfect,' especially the fact of the Gerraan w«rships taking part. For long past they have been rei garded somewbat suspiciouslv by the loyalist natives, but today's proceedings should drive away all snch feelings. Hostiiities have been ended, the Chiefs having submitted to Malieloa. i —Samoan HemU. A"g 11