Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 201, 1 Kepakemapa 1894 — A NEW DEAL. [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu


Tbe govemraent bas made tbe usraJ swapping of ofhc:aU and provide.l fnr aeme more impeea- : nious fo!lowere. Alexander Rol>ertson h«« dropped hisjudgeship nnd Lss blossomed ont «s : Deputy-Attorney General. The aroount of law now represented in the Attorney-Generara departmeut is simply para!yzing Since the days when W. N- Arm.strong wa« Attorney General tbe laws of the conntry have never been in raore incompetent hands tban tbey nre at j resent. Mr. Antone Perry has bcen appointed Poliee Judge Tbis youthful gentleman has the futare before him. Hia laek of experience may not interfere with his career, and we wisb him all possib!e success. It is rather uunaual for a governmeut to use tbe most important office in its gift for the porposeof “legally” educ«tingJshoolboys. Tbe “intelligence'' of whieh the repnblic boasta h«s not so far been very well repre sonted in the nevr appointments. The appointment of John Kalua to be Circuit Judge for Maui is snch an outrage that only W. iO. Smith eouhl coramit it. As ! Mr. Kalua wil! be attended to in ! a most unf loaaant manperin very i near futnre,< there is no reaeon for us tocomment on hisappoiutment to-day. Tbe disgrace will 1 f.ills on the heads of Dole, Hatch and Smitb who all bave evideuoe iu tbeir possession relatingto tbe past history of tbe “dnm” of lao, Hi« inability to speak tbe Engliah Ianguago and to read law sbould bave been sufficient tō make him disqualified for the important position given to him._ The new building for the Kamelmmeha Scbools for girls is nearing completion. We have no donbt that this great educational institution will meet the heaitiest support of tbe people and be a worthy raate to the sncc«ssfnl boys' sbools. The streets do not look overcrowded with prospective pnrcbasers of anytbing these days. Business people have Iost faith in the expected Repnblio boom. A.vd now it comes in order for the 'Tiser to get ready to mnke more hay whilo the sun of tbe Republic sbinea aud prepare space for the official recognition i of the Republic, by great and 1 ittle contries.