Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 201, 1 Kepakemapa 1894 — HAWAII'S "BLUE" LAWS [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu


C0XST1TITI0N and LAWS Frame<l bv the Missionaries. %> LAWS of the HAWAIIAN ISLANDS. Bat a woman of bad character, even tbough. sho sutfer violence. shaFl receive no part of the fine of the conderaneii man. Women o£ good character anJ thej on!y shall receive a portion of the fine from the criminals. 4. If a man have a wife of gooJ character, having nover beeu involveJ in law, anJ having no appearauce of being ▼icious, if that husbanJ tako another woman auJ sloep with her, then that inuoceut wife may say a worJ in rolation to her husbanJ. If the wife choose to separato from him for life, she shall have a right to Jo so anJ she may marry anotber husbanJ. In that caso tho aJulterous husbaud shall be banisheJ toanother laml thore to remaiu for four years. But if the woman choose to continuo with hor husbanJ, she raay Jo so, aml he sball not be banisheJ to another lanJ, but shall be puuisheJ as follows: Ho shall pay a fine of thirty Jollars, oue half to the husbanJ of his accomplico,andoue half to the government,though tho poiiee officer shall take his port:ou before the Jivision is maJe. But if his aeeompliee have no husbaml, then tbe whole shall go to governmeut anJ the polieo officer. But if tho fiue be not paiJ in moaoy nor otber property, ho ahall then be made to work in the prison for the term of eight months. But if tho wifo of the suij man bo of baJ character, then she shall have uothiug to say in tho case; they shall not separate; the man shall not be banisheJ to another lanJ. His fine shull be thirty dollars, or ho shall bo put to bard labor as requirod abovo. 5. Ihe samo that is required in relation to the husband. of a respectable wife, when that husbanJ is gnilty of aJultory, the samo also shall be reqnired in relation to the wi£o of a respectable husband, when that wifo commits adultery. lf that woman tako auother hnsband, anJ thoy sloep together, then her own proper hnsbanJ shall havo a worJ to say respecting her. If he choose to separate from her for life, he shail have a right to Jo so, anJ he marry anothor wife. In that case, the aduIterons wife shall be banisheJ to auother laml, thero to rema:n for the term of four vears. But if the husband choose still to remain with bis wife, he has a right to do it, in whieh case she shall not be banisheJ to another land, but shall be punisbeJ as fol!ows: sho sball pay a fine of thirty Jollars. one balf to tho wife of hor aeeompliee, anJ one half to tho goverumeut, tho polieo officer, however, shall take his portion before the Jivision is made, but if her aeeompliee have no wife, then the whole fino shall to the government anJ the poliee officor. But i£ the fiue be not paid, neitber in monev nor in other property, then she sball be put to barJ labor in tho penitentiary for eigbt mouths. But if her owu busbanJ be a!so of bad character, then the husbanJ shall have uothing to say in the case; they shull not be Jivorced, nor shall the woman be banisheJ to anotber land. She shall be finoJ thirty Jollars or put to hard labor as require»l nbovor1£ a single man or a single woman take a married person. and commit adultery with heror with him, then the punishment o£ tho unmurried person shall be tbirty Joilars, or in Jefault thereof shall be pnt to hard labor for goveroment in the penitentiary for the term of six months. But if the iyirrieJ person be the soliciting party then the unmarrieJ sbali be fincJ only fifteen Joliars, or be put to harJ Iabor for tho government for the term of tfaree months. 7. If a married man tako a young woman of good character, and has always sustained a good cbaracter, and seduce tbat womau aud commit adoltery with her, then the man shall pay to the fatber of the seduced girl fifteen doIlars, after whieh be shall be further punished as is re«|uired in the fourth section of this law. 8. lf au nnmarrie<l man and an unmarried woman sleep together and are found, if the cboose to marry, and there is no legal obstade in the way of their marriage. tben tbey shall be fined three dollars eaeh, after whieh they may marry. I£ tbey do not marry then they shall be fined. tho soliciting party twenty dollars, and the yielding party ten. Bnt if it is not proved whieh is the more gnilty party, then eaeh shall be fined fifteen doilars. But if it bo not paid.then fhey shali be pnt lo hard Ubor, the soliciting party for five montbs, and the yielding party two and a baif. Lot if their enme bo eqaal then they botb serve £or the tcrm of four months. 9. II a* woman eommil fornicatioc and thereby become pregnant. then she ahall not be pnnished till after tbe birth ol the ehihl. If the child be stslI-born sho mav be pnnished. bnt i£ the ctild be living A the folIowing shall bo her parniahment, she «hali take good care ol the cbild, bat if sbe do not Uke such care, then the judges may fino ber to tha *mount of fifteen doUars, and that monoy sbali be appropriated to ihe benefit of Uie child. (To bt Continucd.j