Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 201, 1 September 1894 — Page 4 Advertisements Column 5 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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City sa Meat Harket Oppo. Qnwn Emiua Ball, EsUblished 1883. JOS. TINKER, Mnhrr of the €elebmted Cambridge Pork Sausage ! Tbt Them. Me.it DeliTertHl to Any Part o! the City aml Saburbs. Mulual Telephon« Number 2S9. Y0K0HAMA . BA2AAR, — Corner of — HOTEL Jc NUUANU &rs. Silk and Crepcs, £aibroidered Hadkerchiefs, Window Curtains, Straw Hats, Fanss Lanterns, Ha3kets. nll aorts; Dishe9, Tea and Breakfa<»t Sets. Trayā, Fk>*er Pots, Silk Bedquillf, Bamboo Screens, Neck-ties, Silk and Crcpe Shirts, Japanese Toys, Japnnese Provisions by tbe wholesale. jy2S MURATA A CO.

City - Carriage pif’Q. Co. Biacksmith Shop 107 KING STREET D. BEflT, M^na^e^ Blacksmith Work AXD Carriage Rcpairing PAINTING :AND : TRIM.MING In all its Ilranche9. at Be<l Rock Prices. Mutual Tclephone 382 Give us a Caii arul Judge for yourself. jy23 HoYen l(ee^do. Jinsmiths and Deaiers „ Crockery, GUssware, §c.

WATER PIPEd L.AIO AXD PLUMBINO NEATLT KXECCTEO >*o »1 Nuuan i 3t, between King »n*l IIotcl Amu HuiUī nj; jifi ‘ita SAM IEE HOP, No. 552 King Street, Dcalcr in CaIifornia and Hawaiian Frnits and Vegetables, Ooava JeHy, Tea and Gr>acd Cotfee, Cigarsetc. j>20 Mi7T\ Ai. T«i_ j6o. r. O. Eox :j*. WING WO TAI 4 CO., No. »j Nitj.ivStbckt, Ho.~M.CLt?, H. U, Commission Merchant&, —l3troma6 lad Dxalxks w— Generai Menehamliae. Flae M»aU»Ci£»rj. CL..;es« aod Cwken*«t, Mattinc», Vua ol *U uoib, Ca«ipitorwooil Tronk», R»Uaa l'aiin. A Flae A**ortment oi Dre»n 3Uka. ClMic«t Br»sd« ol Chior*r »ud iapuew TeM ol L»ieal lmportatiou» l%rp*riion o/Xew Goodtr*fpt'if*Uy

AOMINI8TRATION'S NOTICE. TUE L : NE»ER.'HiVED W ii'.i »ypottu«l AdaiaiMrmtrix f the nuw of H. K. Kuliu’ e ,k>, Imle of UaUaL», KohmU. I»J*oa of Hmwmil, ihjCi **eU. Notle« t* !Krebr gUcn to mll eoalilun of ttw d««e*ie(l lo p-«*«ot Usvir el*>m* whe».her ««emiewl bjf Mortiram%: oi oUtcr«riat: dolj *nthe&>iicmte<l *nd wiih thc pn>j>*-r voucbcr», If »nr ai»i, lo tbe «itbin »lx moutbs from ihe 4*tc tjcr«of or tbcy «U1 N» forer«r b*rrmd; aa.l *U per»ous mdtfbica to Uie iaUi iiet-c*M(i *re r»)ae»t to make isnmedi»t« p*jmcnl »t Uw OiJke o£ d. K. Ka-ne. Corner of &Img tnU ik-UkI St™»u. i'pmUln. MKS. N’AOMI S.UIUi'K, Aiimlni»t r*trix oi ihe E»Utc of U. K. Kuiiii'i, <f«c«Med. Uoaoiuiu, Augu* 14 ISWi. Sw. • i.v f*i