Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 201, 1 Kepakemapa 1894 — Page 4 Advertisements Column 4 [ADVERTISEMENT]
GŪNSALVES A3way» om Haod a 9uf ytr oX lfce V trt Best Pioneer Soap lo Cam of SP. «0 ani 7» <*et; THtS SOAP IS THK Fīaest Importod Eere. SPECTAL PBK ES FOR 5 CASES 1N LOTS. jis. im« coiifs Celebrated Brands of SC0TIH WltISKEl BHX ALD0CHLA.\, Ainsleys 0LD Blended •Glenlivet GLE ,NI0\ Extra, Special 1 6LENLI0N SPECIAL L1QUEUR SC0TCH WHISKEY. « Jr»
h\ GEKTZ, Hl BOOT and 8H0EMAKEK 1 Repairing Neatlj Done. Oppoaitc the Clnb 3tablcs, Fort Stn'ct. aml will bf glud to see Uis o!d frieudi. myT tf WAl NTED! UCRNlTURE. DI3HES, GLAS3WAI1E, 1 Clocks, W*tches, JcweIrT. OId Gold »nd SilTer, aud evcrylUln? bou£ht ukI »old »t 114 Street, cofner ot Alake». jy*J7 P. O. Box 309. 405 Nuuanu St. S. YASUHdORI, MERCHANT TAIL !i. Dealer in Japanose Good-, iloots aml Shoes of Japanese make: Cheap for Cash, New Gock1s by Every Steamer. jy 23 LEE SU>(i KEE, 49 KING STREET. TINSMITH, and DEALER IN GLASSware, Crockery, Coal-Oil Stovea, Water Poie—PlnmhinK iu All lts Braucbea Faithfnlly Execute«l. jylS-ly
Y. LUM SING, Dealcr in Fraits and Groceries. Fresh Frmte by Every California Steamer, Eresh Isfand Butter from Hawaii. 135 Fort Street. CofFee Boasted. P O. Box 169 Fresh Island Prodace, Goods Delivered to Anv Part of the City, ‘ jy21 §L\« 1I F> KKK, TINSM1TFI A.vn DEALER IN TINWARE. Piping Laid and Repairtd. AII Orders Promptly Attended to. Charges Very Moderate. Call and See Us. No. 222 Maunakea St., llonolulu. jj20 w ITOHAN” MPOBTEB axd DEāLER IS GENERALj MercbaadĪ9«, Exchtsvelj ot ianaoe»? «aaof*etnr*-WHOLESALE ± IILIAIL. 204 md 206 Fort Srreet. P. 0. Box 1 18 Mota»l Tele. 5®2. jj 1S >s©w Japan Market.j 567 Maunahea Street. I I Fresh Meat on Ice 4 Pound 2oCts.! Su<fiKI, Manager. aogl | CHIN KEE. H0ESESH0EING SH0P, Maanakea * Pauahi 5treet. aai &U ronnd * f 1 ao OUhIiU roand ...»1 00 N«xt Door to No. 5 Eaaia» Hww. Mgl