Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 201, 1 Kepakemapa 1894 — Page 4 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]
Ilotoi Stret r Arlington iiliek} Iue ili«Te Store h*« reeeired aoother Lti)K toroicc o( !>?•-«> Qood* in mil shmde, plain &nd fipnred. Caabtu&s T»ble Cot«o, i i’he l'iiee* of lliewe Goo<i» \rill astoni»h vou 1 incladiug ELECANT SILK KIM0N08I 4 |{andsome Cigarett« C*soa, i*i n ('uahioua, Silk Tea Cossies, 6 «KUE 1M18HALL JlFiXE8E UKiS Silk rmbrelUs, light but strongj Chair Saddlea, Silk; llnmhoo Blinds, titted wilh pulleys; Silk Lamp Sbades, uevr style. J.% FA \ KSK 8CRKKKS. From $3 fp. ( UKUE JiPlSESE USBBELL1S Can be Set witb Pole In tbe ground, niee for Pieniea or Luucbes out o( doon, \ bey ntn be opened ont or used as a teut. COTT()N CRAPKS IN GREAT VARIKTY j!aPANESE ANCY Per S. S. “China.” —<u>rusue— BEAUT1FUL SILK AND CRAPE. Bed Ccrm, Gown\ CbemMes, SLawls. AU Colon Faney Dnperiea, EHBEOIDERED HANDKERCHIEFS Oeiili , Scarfii, Sosbee, Jackcta, C«]«, Etc., Etc. NOVELTIES:
tcTlusp*<’tion H6i»]>ectfulij Invited. Mks. J.P.P. Calsaco, Aroprietress. AprI2-3m« JUST ARRIVED, S q 53 BABY • CARRIAGE$ OF ALL STYLES, . Wj 1N THE LATEST PATTERXS.
“HOUSEHOLD SEWING MACHINES Haki Skwdīg Maou5xs, All Witb ihe Lttest Impn>T«sentii^d PAELOK Jmns f Gruitars, Aad Qtber Mn«ic*l lE3*trum«3to, Wines, Liquors, Beer ALWAT8 ON HAKO. AKD FOB 8ALB BT ED. HOFFSCHLiEGEB CD King SC. oppo. Oaail» k Oooka'ii Tal Wo Wlng Kee Co. » KUCAMJ 8TKE£T Dealen iu Lailiee' 4 Geate’ Boot§ and Show made to order. Fo*um in>