Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 201, 1 Kepakemapa 1894 — Page 3 Advertisements Column 5 [ADVERTISEMENT]
Masquerade - Ball - ——«3ITg>* BY THE Inlemaliooal - Schūetzeo OL D ARMORY HALu! Beretauia Street, Monday, Sept. 3, ’94 { Grand Marcb oommeneo prom- ! ptly at 9.'m. Every masker iā requested to be j on time so as to make this the march of the season. None but those masked will be allowed on the tloor unlil after all have unmasked. No mask must be removed until prizes are awarded. Anyone doing so will be barred from prize eompeiiUon. PRIZES. Just read them over, acd tomorrow we will have them in M S. LEVY store window, whieh will be announced in the papers, bo you ean see them as well; and if you dont say they are the most. beautiful and serviceable that were ever given—well, eall us—. You need not be ashamed to *say that you won them at the Schuetzen CIub Ball; they will be a credit to you and to us. The best of al! is, they will be awarded '“fair and square.” The judges are unknown and will maEe their decision while all are en masque. At the sonnd of a gong all will please assemble at the platforra when the winning parties will be oalIed up costume and tbe prijes awarded then and there. The wiuner must then unmaak in the presence of all, so everyone ean see who wins. LADIES’ PRIZES. First Pbize. Best dressed Iady character: A handsome silk dress pattetn. Seco.ni) Pkize. . Second-best dressed lady character: A superp alhum. Thibd Pruk. Funniest female character: One Turkish pluah rug. 4x6 feed. Second-funniest female character: Oue half dozen solid silver spoons. Best sustained female character: The finest pair of shoes in town. If they dont fit, the judges willtell you were to get them changed. Best "hard times” lady costume: Fivepound box purest French candy. GENTLEMEN’3 PRIZE. Fibst Pbize Fineat dreased male character“ Panama hat. Second finest dressed male eharacter: One-half dozen silver spoons. Funniest dressed male character; Box [100j finest Havana cigars. Second funniest dressed male cbaracter; One eOal oil stove. Best “Hard Times” male character: One bed rug. Besides the above mantioned prizes others will be given out, at 'the disantion of tbe judges, for worthy representations. M0 Tickets for sale at Smiih’s Shoe Store and the Elite lee Cream Parlos. M0 Ēverybody eome and have the best time you ever had on the Islands. Everybody ia invited from the President down. Prizeu now on view at N. S LEVV’S Store, 75 Fort Street. au28-lwd To Let or Lease, A HOl'āE on Klng »lreet, neil to T. HW»lker • premise*. eoniamine p*rior. dinning room, aad Ihn* bedroomi. be«tdes ; kllehen. bstbroom, «Ubles nnd «U modem eonienienee*, Utelr ocrapied br Mr. Deni*on. Arte*i*n w*tcr bud; rent modente to re*poa>tble porty. Addre** AHKAHAM fersa>*dez «ng 23-lm
J. H. TRUSCHLER, Boot & jShoemaker. [ 130 F<nrt Streel. Repairing, neatly Done. half sole and heel witb pegs, 11.00. HaH sole &nd hoel sewing. $1.50. an7 Mumwmmn w sotics, THE UNDEBSIGX£D b«ea dslj tppoUst«d TeaponuT Ad»intxrator of Uw EiUU of JosKnt HBAt50 Peu, (k) Uu of Puu*, He-nolala. OMw, deccaw(L Xoūoe te eieen to *Q cr«iitor» of tUe dec«Med to prēceot thelr etaias «h«Uer wartd bjr Morte»ce. or otbcrtci*e, d«ly Mtl*edi<ate4 aaa with tte praper rouchera, tf mst rs«t to Um aihleīS!pted wfthin itx Bosth* from Uto daUc bcraof cr lbcy will be foce%er b*rred; «M «U penoaa iad«blsd to tbe «tīd dcoeM«d ik reqne»t to mike imaediate t«ymeai X tbe OUka: o( Sl K. Xa-sx, Cor»cr of Ktag aad Botbe) $trao». Cp-*tairf. a. k kaxk. Teaporary AdaiaMntof oi tfte StUU of Jn«cbh Uomo Wa, 'k) iwini Hoaolulu, Aa«wt16, l«H. ao(iS-t«