Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 201, 1 Kepakemapa 1894 — LOCAL NOTES. [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu


Tbe rain still bolds otf. The sbooting sea80n cpens today. W. N. Armstronc is now the official editor of the Tiser. The marshal arrived from bealthy Hilo this morniog. Mr H. Renjes h»s reanmed his doties aa vice-consnl forSpain. Cricket at MakikP tbis afternoon. Game eommeneea at 3 o'oloek. Many legal ligbU have taken the prescribed oatb to sopport tbe Bepnblic* A namber of tbe officers and crew of tbe Hyacinth will attend services at St.Andrew s Cathedral tomorrow. Tbe Paooa stream is almost Jry. Taro-patcbes in tbe vicinity of the valloy are drying op and crops are rotting. 13»nd concert at Emma sqaare | tbis afternoon at 4:30 o’eloek. A new Scbottische will be among tbe nurabers played. Mrs. Tbirds bad a number of inquirers into tbe eeienee of. theosopby at her lectar% in Foster Hall last evening. An iusane Hawaiian is said to have escaped from the Asylum last eveniug, and is reported to be in biding in Pauoa valley. Tbere will be two yacbting parties to Pearl Harbor, tomorrow. one by the ‘‘Hawaii” tha otber by tbo “Eonnie Dundee.” Mr. and Mrs. Honry K. Castle leave by the steamer Warimoo todiy for Vancouver. Mr. Castle will make an extended stay ( abroad. Tbe Sbeutzen club hal vuuque will take plaee at lbe Boretania street Armory on next Monday evening. A grand, good time, is j promised. The bark Velooity waa searohed from stem to stern last Sanday. Captain Andrews bas some thougbt of repeating tbe operation tomorrow. — Artbur Wbite bas been re- ( moved from tho jail hospital to the Qaeen’s bospital proper bail baving been farnisbed for bis appearanco. for trial, by his partnar, Edward Hopkina. F. I. Cntter bas received the appointment of bead - keeper at j the lnsaue Asylum vice William | Auld romoved. A dozen Hawaiian assistaut keepew i-esigned ! their positions last nigbt, in eonsequence. tbeir positions being ■ temporarily lilled by police-of-1 ficers. Jobn Hapa a oolqred mau and a well known, bad ebaracter . about town, who obtained nolor- | j iety during tbe Wilcoxrevolution | (?) by “playing possum ” in front | of tbe Qovernment building, was, | yesterday, tried and foand guilty ! of a chargo of robbery and was | soutenced, by Jndge Whitiog. to ; six vears imprisonment at hard j labor. A set of resolutions 8 I in lengtb was lately forwarded to Pmsident Dole and his Cabinet, by a powerful orgamzation here, j in whieh office was r©quested foi tbe members. Little noiiee was . taken of tbe message so a still stxonger one, demanding recognition, in tho division o! spoils, was forwarded this morning. A ! reply is awaited.

Th® Qoeen hotel will not be opened for busine«s for sometime 7*» Tbe steamer W. G. Hall car* ried forward only oru passenger to the Volcano. Laek of water caused tbe absence of tbe electric Iigbts at an early hour last night Tbere is a talk of rifle match, ■ for eoin, between selected members of Co’s D. aml E. Andrews the senior eaplain bas not yet been arrested for sbooting in tbe street. A Cbinese declaration of war against tax jcollectors was on in Pawaa valley tbīs morning. Pearl city Iotsare not booming. j The prcspects of a naval station are not now as rosoate in color as a montb ago. ————— Qaeeu Emma Hall is being prepared for tbe reception of tbe pnpils of tbe Foreign Kind-j ergarten. - - i Daniel Lyons bas been appointed on the Board of Examin ! ers to tbe plaee made vacant by tbe resignation of F. I. Cutter. Tbe C. 4 A. 8 8tr. Wammoo' arrived from the CoIonies this . morning en route to Vancouver B. C. Sbe sails at 10 pm. for{ j her port of destinatiou. Tbe steamer Kinau brongbt 27 sight-seers back from tbe Voleano. Most of theiu were school teacbers and other, island peo- : ple who bad been utilizing tbeir vacatiou'time iu Madam Pole’s region. Tfae passengers ?rom bere for British CoIumbia by the steamer Warrimoo are as follows: Miss Wing. Mr. and Mrs. H. N. Castie, Messrs. C. M- Cook, W. E. H. Cooke. B. J. Lillei, Hugh Gunn, R. C. Perkins, W. Everbard, and Rev. S. B. Penrose. The steamer Kinau brongbt over 110 cabin and 103 deck passengers, a total of 213, to port, here, tbis morning, The steamer’e capacity waa seveyely tested. Purser Beckley’s ability shone like one of his diamonds aud he never lost ii.