Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 201, 1 Kepakemapa 1894 — Page 2 Advertisements Column 4 [ADVERTISEMENT]
PANĪHEON 3ALOON, * FORT AXT> HOTRL STS. Heaiiaanen Eiterpme 6rotu£ Co. TH* Largest Consignment of Beer that ever »mved here, noi on Draught jyH J. IX>DD. Ptop> |CRITERION SAL00N. Weiiand • Extra • Pak :L,agsr Hssr I"* 2 Schooners for 25 Cts. ■ jvl4 L. H. DEE, Prop’r NOTICE. > All penwna are hereby notified and cautioneti that anyone caught shootin3 game oi any description or trespassing on any o{ ihe iands belongmg to the under>igned on this Isian<l, will be promptly proaecuted. [Signed], J. I. DOWSETT. Houolulu, Aug. 25, 18tH lw-d PIONEEH Steam CANDY 1 r actory. R.tKERl’ aii<l « loe Cream Parlors! hoh m 1863 m i)i 1864 rir PRACTICAL CONFEC TION K I i and ORNAMENTER In all hraucht» o/ lht w»t the*t i*landt. Amoric»n. Eot;Ush, Oennnn and FrencL PASTRIES Mado to Ordcr. BIRTH-DAY AND WEDDING CAKES M*de ot the Venr Botl MaU-rial and at Heooonahle R»te». Family Graham & Fancy Bread Altcay» on fīaud. Alala (O \ F i:< TIO \F K V Manufacturoti at Mv E»t«bIUhmont Arc GnaraDtced to bo PositiTel; Pure and Sold at Prioo» no otber c»tablUbmc'Dt emn compete «itb. gMT FACTORY AND STORE, No. "I HoteI Street, Honolulu. Both Tekpboces No. 74. jyj6
m C aPh. * ‘ irSATOSSUP •Socnetirnes where to go to pnrchase any pnrticolar article, bnt if yoa happea to want anything in the line of j5upplies, Pictm?e prames, or enlarged portraiU, there ia bnt one plaee in Honolnla, to parchase all materials. and that’ā KING BEOS. ’ Store, for whieh there is no rival on these Islands. The finest paintings in Hawaii, are on exhibition in ibis gallery. The firtn makes a speciaity o| enlarging portraita as well as making picture frames in the very latest styles of mooldings. ln the sheet pictares. ihey have thoasand3 to select fiom of whioh they ūmte au inspection at aoy time. KIiSrG BROS-, Street, ; ; Hoaoioiu aug. 2ō-lmd5y.