Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 201, 1 September 1894 — LADIES' COLUMN. [ARTICLE]

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—— We hare made this discovery tbat wheo the tide of trade sets one way there is always a eam»© for it That tbere are few. a vfry few. who bay of as oat of eomI plimeni, bat Ilke the masse*. they buy bere heeaiiee they ean do the best. becanse the variety, { the qoalities and prices are here and defy criticism. We have not an Unparalielled Bargaiu Honso fall of Siuoke, Fire and Water or Panie Prices —bat a boase where goods are sold at a prott to as —a jast and good raloe to. If yoo want more tban that, yoo will have to find some Phiianthropic (?) merchant who woo!d not recognize his : goods under a search iight. Eminent pbysicians bolieve in a freqnent change of UNDEKWEAK 2iothing more has such a decided hygienic efiect apon I the system, or shoald be changed |as often. Xothing adds to your ' comfort more, or sbould demand such close inspectioo. We always thoaght we carried ahe BEST stock in Honolala, and we know ♦ wo bave nerer been undersold. Let us show you onr MUSLLN UNDEKWE.VK the trimmings alone are worth looking at. Sometime ago wo spoke about P. D. Corsets —smiles and eom- , fort, etc. The demand for them 1 «aused us to ruu sbort of raany sizes—fortanately we had a large ; order placed direct with the factory in Brussels. Tbe goods are here and your sizo is with them. Talking about Direct Importations, —it meaus the manufacturers’ profit and our profit. No middle men—there is saving for i yon, aswill beseen in embroide- i red *and scolloped HANDKER1 CHIEFS from $200per dozen up. FLANNELETTES at 8 y*Jds | | for $1 00. B. F. EHLERS &. C0.