Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 201, 1 September 1894 — Boats and Oars. [ARTICLE]
Boats and Oars.
I — Tke Healaoi Boat Club belJ a meeting last night and reorganixed the favorite # clab. Tbe foI- ‘ lowing officers were eleoted: Preaident—Prince KawananaI koa; Vice-President—George £. , Smithies;Secretary- : LionelHart I | Treasarer—Frank J. Kraeger. Aboot fifty members were enroll- i ed and the saccess of ths club is gaarantoed. Tbe "rowing” men an all there. The "Tims aad Macs club wili probably now adopt tbeir new namo and Ieave tbe Healanis alona. \