Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 200, 31 August 1894 — CORRESPONOENCE [ARTICLE]
[\V« do dot hold oaneWeH r««poiuible for tbe opiaiona or the attenaoe« of oar oorrMpoudent8.] Cditor Holomua: A wise oian may cbange hia m.ndr bot a fool, or an ass. ueTer.” B«ferr.ng to the apt quotation mention is maiie of the ‘Ti*er’» iate notice of “Enuiitl«r” CreighU-n’a display of tbe iusigna of the Ameneau Leagoe iu his button-hole. kot no mentioo is made of the f«ct thut tbe rev. («rith m amail r) Dr. K. B. £merson was lately seen loaded down wiih Holomua’6. VeBB. 8AP. m The appoinment of Eaiua to tbe Ctrcuit Judgesbip on Maui has not yet been oonfirmed. Per haps the Attorney Geueral de sires to wail unlil the rather ••fishy” Nott case bas been set> Ued and Mr. Kalua whitewashed or otherwise. Mr. C. N. WeUnoie, a **war eorrespondent * bere foimer)y for the Chicago Tribune, bnt now on the stafi o( the S. F Examirur, arnved. sccompanied by hia «rife, by the steamer Alameda. Hea>tb are pleaann, not kuaioeee, are tbe object sooght