Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 200, 31 ʻAukake 1894 — A FAIR CHANCE. [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu


The HawaiUns *re eonatantly gettiog aw«y wilh the idea tbat tbe Boani of £ducation prefere to appoini foreignere as teacbere mstead of Hawaiiane. While tbe appe«rance of tbe present teacbers may give some color to tbis idea we ean state th«t fbe | Board wbereever it ean find snit- • - uble material among Hawaiiana will gire tbe preference to tbem. But the Hawaiianā must belp tbe Board in its eff»rts to replace foreigo rs witb tbe cbildren of ♦he soil. No Board ean employ • n incompetent Hawanao in the plaee of a more competent for-<-igner. Aud a gre«t number of Utiwaiinn spirMDts to offices as teacbere are weigbed nnd fouod wauting. Tiie normal class now to be ; stHrled at the Kamehameha l schools wili give tbe Hawaiianā ' the ehnnee wbicb they need. i Tbe e 1 hss will be conducted on | tbe most iib<-ral terms and it is ; Hafe to say tbat every Hawaiian gradu.ting from it and recom- | iii«iided by tbe schools to a i teachership will be appointed at onee. The eelaeaiionai department of tbis country is certninly <nxious to help Hawaiian and if 'he Hawaiiaua tbrougb careful study and tireless energy will pnt hiā sbonlder to the wheel iheinl patronuge will not be lacking. We sincerely hope tbat socb Uawaiians wbo ean qualify <nd wbo desire to become teacbers will apply for Hdmittauce to tiie nonnul class nt tbe Kamehameha schools. The class will be limited iu number but no restric tions have been rnHde in regard to evontnal pnpils as to tbe »chools from whieh tbey have gradaated. Hawaiians from tbo K iiuehMmeha school, St. Louis Co!lege, lolani College or tbe goverumeut scbools are equally weleome lf Hawaiians allow this ehanee to g«> by theydeserve no sympathy in their eomplainl over the alleged preference of liHOles by the fioard of Educatioo.