Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 200, 31 August 1894 — THE CHAPTER CLOSED. [ARTICLE]

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Tbe Hawiiiun ‘'anpleaaaolD€ss" ia ended aa Lr as tbe Umted 8Ute« are concerned Tbe qaicker alk good Hawmian»* reai ze tbnt f ct tbe better it will be for tbeir c»outry. Mr Baab wborowe nob ngt-rcnD stigm.it Zc ■« h fool W now actii*g as a rogu»in teliir.g tbe pe >ple tb*it tbe eom niUsioner8 broagbt »ecret du p.itcbes wbicb aasore tbe Qaeen of ber restoratinn tltroagb tl.e a«nistance of tbe Uuit*-d Stat*-s. Tlie Tirtaons morHlist of PriuterM Laue cannot publisb tbe « id a**cret disp«tcbe8 bt-c«n.Me, tbe\ eonUin m«tteni t*f sUte. H»doesn't menlion wbat 'aUle’ be refera to. bnt we b:«ve a anap cii»n thnt be is allndiug to the state of bis very mad lled m>iul. Tbe comfnissioners l»nve beeu «een and tbey fmpbHtically stHte tbat the “jig is up” f«»r tbe res torationists hs f«r hs tbe Unileil 8tates are eoneenu d. We now boj>e tbat Memrs. Parker, Wide mano HndCnmmins will Uke tbe eHrliest opportuuitv to pablicly tell tbe pe<»ple bow tbe true situation is. The Qneen is MW/«re of tbe facts aud is nssurt*d th«t tbe orig nal poIic-y of Cleveland eannot and will uot be c«rried out. Mr Busb will fiud out tbat be is bandling h buomerMng; when the DHtives finnlly leam thnt be bas deliberHlely cbeated thein and lied to bitu tliey wiil discMrd bim and his ilk fur good «nd for evor. Tho repnblic of H.-iw.iii is an establisbed fact We pay oui t«xes to it, and we obey tbeii laws and their nutlu»rity. The government is undoubtedly eon ■tituted of a minority of tbe people, bnt as long as the m«jorit\ bow dowu to it they plaee them«elves simply in the pnsition of a loyal constitution. When tbey eeaae to be a loyal oppositiou tb« government ceMses to exist or if victorious become a militar} despotism. Wbat is to be done in tbe future seems c'ear to us Tbe people cannot ufford to be loeke.l oul of participhtiou in tbe goveroment. T!iey have accept* d tbe !»ituat on aud tbe pnsenl regiiuo, and tliey might as well carry out tbeir policy to tbe utmost, aiid try U> defeat tbe government at the poUs in the mnnner pn*scribed by tl*e 1hws wbicb tliey beyond donbt obey and snstain tc>dny. Befuro h plnn for a poiitical cami>aign enn be decided on, it is abt>olntely neoesRHry for llie Hawaiiaua to disabnse tbemselves of tbe em>neons ieliM thnt tl.e UuiU*d St«teM will inteifere in the doiueMtic«tfairs •>{ Hnwaii. When it is made clear, that tbo destiny of Hawaii is iu tbe bnnds of ber |>eople and that no heīp' will eome fn*m outside. perh«ps the people tben wili wake up to tb< fact tbat tbey bave duties to p r form to tbeir country tbe pnn oipal of wliieh is fo further ibprosperiiy by «11 meaus aud plaee tbe welfare of tbe wbol« abov« tbe weifare of tbe indivi doal. Aci-«pt witb good grace tbe 6ituatiou whieli is inevttab)e and stand sboulder to sbouidei for Hawaii