Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 200, 31 August 1894 — Page 1 Advertisements Column 7 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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Club Stables Company,‘ $, F. (Jraham, Mana§er Livery and Feed Stables» FORT STREET, beiwwn Hotel wud B«ivUnt« Streets, Honolulu. B«'lh Teiet>honee .... 477 jyJ3 Im L.ong Branch -8ATHiMGEstablishment. This Ftr»l-CUs8 B*thinc R***'rt has been enlsirged »nd ie now op«n lo the pnblic. lt ia the be8t pUee on the is»Unds t<> enj'>y a B«tb. artd lhere ia no b«tter obce to lay off. 8t>«C!!ii for Ladies. Tr.mci»rfl p;>»s the d •»>! every half bour. ami ««n S«turd;tya and 8uo<Uyfl every hfteen miuute«. C. J. 8HtRWtX)D, jv24 Propretor. Larjje K()xV B 1\DS, fitied with a WIRE MATTRESS. Any aize m»dc lo order. gtF" I3nv the 6ED of the Fl TL’RE, "f M fl3r 9 . T. H. Dnvie9 4 Co. Lt d.. Hopp Co.. Williama Br"f., I. X. L . Ordwny & Port«r, or of tfce MhHpi W0VEN WIRE BAILEY. Hot«l 3tre«t, Honoli.lu, (oext door t> ‘lorn’s Steam B.kery.) aug 14-lm Capt. Wm. Davies, Hig$rer, Stevedore and Wrecker. EhlIMAlLo A-VD COXTRACT» 05 ALL KIND8 O F WOBK 8tean;er will run re* galar »o Waianae, Waialoa and Way Land i>g loqair« u oAc« ot i. ». W.lkm ow apnwW’i EUok feb l4«V. Kmpire Saloon, JaME» OLM. paoeamoa pine Wiiiea, Liq\icps. Bee? ALWA8 05 HANT>. Coraer Naa&un >od HomI StrvrU. B«h «I. Po«t Boz 107 F0R SALE - REMT. 1 Piano, 1 OfRin snd 3jwmg Moehine inqaire of a. 9. aeMKM. BervUnia 3treet. Pioneer Shlrt Factory ESTABUSH£D 1887 A M MELL13. Proprietor, SIS Tor* 8» . rUo«Uir<») Honolah», Ooo-1F lt