Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 200, 31 ʻAukake 1894 — Page 1 Advertisements Column 5 [ADVERTISEMENT]
OCKAXIC SteamshipCo N l'imo r r»ble. • • • • i LOCAL LJLXK AL T 8TRALtA. From San Fnn lor Sydnev. Arrive Honolulu Mouowai Aiig 2 Aiameda Ang C0 Mariposa Sep 27 Monowai ■ . Oct 25 From Sydue\ for Ssn Fr;incisco. Leave Honolulu. Alaiueda -Joly 26 j Manpoaa Aug 23 M'-aowai Sept 20 Alamedu Oct 18 PACIFiC 8AL00N, . C«rner King anii Nuuann Strwt* EDW. WOLTER.... Matuger The Fineat aeleeuon of LIQ(JOBS’and t RT.FR io|d anywhere in the town. Fint-dasa act«ndence. C«ll and judge (or yon»ell. no 90-tf. TjlE HlD-0dEA[J POOL and BILLIAED PAKLOK8 H. JUEN Prvipnetor Holel 8treet near Nuuaon 1T« GHAS. G)RDLER, Import«r anel Commi&sion Merchant • 9PECIAl.TnS: J. * P. Coate' M&ohiae Thn«d Jonaa Brooks Maehine Thread Barbonr's Linen Threavi Pean' Soap P. O, Bot 15o. Mutnai leiephoae 256 13 Kaahunuinn Strect. B. BEKGERSES. Oeoer*l A«ct for f;inger HSEWING MAOHINE COMPY. All Kinds of Needles for aale and Bepairiog Dune. Oamoo’a B!ock. Bethel Street. Hooololu. P. O. Box 440. j y 21