Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 200, 31 August 1894 — Page 1 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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HAWAIl HOLOMUA, n puhlihhkI' • Kverv Allemoon EXCEPT SC3n>AT BT THI Eolomaa Publishlng Co. At Kiog Su (Tbomas block), Hooolalo. H i. iTOC8OTI0H, per Konth, 50 Cts. Xtoe i«!«r u deihr»ted by C*mer» m the rwu ano «aborb.. 8iagl»Cop«*N!i»jj «t tnr New» Oeolen «nd »t tb« <>»«• of EDHU*ū N0RME. • * Editor P. H ROOHEY. • - M*nager N T OTICK. »11 Ba<inea<t Comtnunication» shonld be ,-H- A to p. M. BOO.NKY. Honoal», H. I. r\nn-poDiirnnr uid CommunimtioM tor eui « J Editor Hnwnu Uoloma». No notioe will be p*id gQy iBon]TBK>QJ> COtli lDU niCHtlOli». iiusine»« Cards VOLNEY V. ASHFORD. Altorii«y iod Coanselor Law, Ofic«, bito of tbe 01d Bethel— We»t Corner of Kiug iiid bethel Streete. jyJR A. R. PETERSON. attouskv at law, _lfftoe, 119 K.**bumunu Honolnlu Uawaiian Island«. CHARLES CREIGHTON. attoknt:y at law. *'»fficc: 113 Kaahumana fltreet, Honolaln Hawaiian Isiand». PAUL NEUMANN ATTURNEY AT LAW. 314 Merchant Street, Honolulu, Mutual Telophone 415. OLARENCE W. ASHFORD, »n<)KSEV ANU OOUSSELLOR AT LAW. Ot6ce. 0»d C«pitol Building. (Honolnlu Hale). adioining Foet Honolaln. A. ROSA. • attoknev at law. So. 16 Kaahumanu St., Houolulu, Hawaiian lsiunds. H. F. BERTELMANN, OONTK.ACri'R ANP BCILDEB,; 86 King St., Bell Telephoue 107. F. H. REDWARI). OOSTB*ri'OB ai*t) BUU r >KB, No. 506 King Street. Honolulu. Uawaiian Islauda. WILLIAM FOSTEH. ATORNET AI-LAW A NOTART PCBUa Honoiuiu. U. I., 13 Kaahumunu Street. jyi24 A. G. CORRKA, ar*ATTORNEY AT 307 Merchant Street, Honolulu. jy*> 1)4VIn IUVTO.\. Agent to Take .\ckaawledga>ents. Wlīl Attend t«> Management aud 8«fe of Pr»perty—Oolltrction in All ita Braocbes. OSw No. 42 Merehant 9treet: Mutua) Telephone 380 j.v‘23 A 8. MEDEIROS i CO , Merchunt Tl*ailor». Aamnaan. £n«h«b and Scotch Tvwda ob h*nd. FuaJ-ci**» work gu*rantMsl. Hoiel 8L, uu Wsr Arhngtoo U0M. Honolalu jy 17-lmue Fernandes & Gomes WUOLK9ALE California Wlnea and 8pirits, Ko. 503 Fort Bl.. Honoiulu, H. I P. O Bo* 486. Mulual T«l«. 140 tyMta