Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 200, 31 August 1894 — Page 4 Advertisements Column 4 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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UOHSAIVE ASnn E«rp« »3 Ru4 a tite V trr Best Pii)nwr Soa Cim of * C, ». » 3Bd 3arr < THB SOAF ĪS THT ?i&sst Importsd Ha 8?ECIAL PRICE3 ?OR 5 CJU«ES 15 urrs. I.K SINSLEY t (1)11 Ceiebrated Brands of SCOTCH WH1SR] BEN ALDOCHLAN. Ainsley’s OLD Blended Olenii [iLH .NION' E\tra. Spe 6LENLION SPEC1AL LIQl’EUR SCOTCH \\ H1SK1 F. O E H T Z , m. BOOT AND 8HOEMAKE E«?p»irine Nf»tlT Don<. OpponlU- tbe Club 3l»blcs Fort 3tre« wlīl be gl*tl to see his uld (riends. rr WA X T K 10 I CUK5lTURE. DISHE8, GLA3s\l T Clocks, WaU'he». Jewelry, Old Gol SllTer. »i,d eTcryltuug b«U)£Ul »nd »old i K;uk Street, corner of Alakea. P. O. Box309 406 Nuu»nt S. YASUW0RI, MERCHANT TAIL0 Dealer in Japunese OooHh, I and bh"es of Ji<|»»nese n Clteap for Casn, New Oooe Everv bteamer. jy | ■ LEE Sl KEl 4» KING STUEET. TiNSMrrn, axd oealek in g w»u, Crockery, Ooal-Oil Slore», Pot-t—PIuu.Ihuk in All lu Bn»ucU<» i fully ExecuteU. jyl I " ” ~~ Y. LDM S1.N0, Dealer in Frui$s nnd Groc< • Kresb Fruits by Every Caiif Steamer. Eresb i3iHud E from Hitw.ii. L3-5 Fort M Coffee Ko »ted. P O. Box Fresh lsiand Pruduce. (; Deltvered to Anv P»rt o( City, jj Nl\r. 1I E.\ KKE, T1N8MITH asd DEaLER IINWAHE. Pipitig L»;d «nd R- pa:n , d. 0rd» rs Proropt(y AttendK Ch irg*« V f »ry M«>d»-rite. C<*I bee Cs. No. '222 Maunakea Monolulu. jy20 ‘‘ lTOilA>.” | MPOB fEE axd DLAL£B 15 GE5 I Merchandi-w. nt