Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 200, 31 August 1894 — Page 4 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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tr INSURANC FIRE AND MAPINE THE UN*DERSIGNED 19 AUTHOEIZED T0 axd MAKINE RISK9 ON Buildinorrs, Merchandise, Hulls> Carg:oes, Kreights and Commissions At Ctirront Rates, iu the Following Cos. 3»ajiei.y: ROYAL IXSURANCE COMPANY, LIVEBPOōL, ALLIANCE F1RE <k MARINE, LONDON, WILHELMA OF MADGKBt'RG GENER\L INSURANCE C0. SUN INSURANCE COMPANY, SAN FHaNC1SCO ,T. S. WAI KER. gJF“ \g*-nt for the Hawniian lalanua. OBPWAT & POKĪEK. Robhison Block, Hotel St., heiu'een Fort and Nuvanu, Have Jost Pfce ; v<d.ier I ele Airiv»1p, tl e 1 »if tfi Ft<cl iif t R NITDRE Ever lm|>orted to t >is Coantry, Coniprigiag Handsome Carved Bedroom i'.ts In Soll<l Oak. andof tht LAT£STD£SIGNS. ESPECIAL ATTENT10N IS CALLED T0 THESE SETS; WIOKEH WARE, Beaut (nl Des gns <*f Wiek r Ware, consist ng of SOFAS, CdAlllS, UOCKERS, etc.,von eau get these in *ny F1MSH you desire. CHAIRS, Coontless numbers of CHAlHS. in every style, induding 0FF1CE nnd HlOli CHA‘IRS. E2ITEITSIOIT TABLES, We have had a nn*nber of calls for theso Tnble8. with CHA1RS ti match. We have now in stock the most BEAUTIFUL DINING 800M FURNITURE £VER SEEN HERE. Sideboards and -:- Chiffoniers t7DIVANS,^ D vans covered with P0RT1ERS are becomiug qmte the rage ir plaee of LOUNGES -we uianufacture tiieui to order, aud bave t laige stock of FOBriEHS to sel ct from. BEmiTGGre it Assortmeut of W En \\ 1RE MATTRESSES— Spring. HTr Mos», WikiI Mūd Straw Mattresses on lmnd and made to order. L1VE GEESE FEATtlERS u*d S1LK FLOSS for Pil.owa. CR1BS, CRADLES. etc. AVlNDOW hHADt.S of all colors and siz s. COR.'lCE POl.ES, m wood or br.ss triiumings. E :F>-A- IEI1TG-. Mattres8es, Loungea and all Upbolstered Faruiture repaired ai r. aso..able n tes. CABINET MAKINO. in ali its brauehes, by C<>mpeteut Workmen. MAT1T>G LA.D Hiui lut rior Decoruti g uuder tho Supervisiou ol Mi. GEORGE OKDWA\ Our Ooiala ;.re F rst C1 ss, and <>ur prices are the lowest Come and be e nvmced —a tri..l is s1 ic ted. Betl 626. TELEPU0NE8: Mntnai 645 OUDWAY A PORTRR. R»iht««i>n Hinek. botww>n P«»H nnd Nnnann i i Tklephones: Beli 351 Muluai 417 Residence: Mulual 410 P. O. Box 117 F.. B. THOMAS, CONTRACTOR and BUILDER KstLmates Griven ou All Kiuds OF BK3fK, IR»N. STUNE«IV(KIDEN HUILWKHā AU Kmd» of Jobbing in the Building Trade # Attended to. KEEP8 KOfl SAJ^K: BricK. Lime. Cement, Irun 9ton« Pip« nnd Fittings, Ul«l A New C<>rri>gated lruu, MiutoD»TilM t Quaxrv Tilea, asuorted ana» «ml eoiom; <Ltif«>iuia aud Monterey Sand, Granite Curbiug aml Biucka, ote. ole. « Corner K |ng cft Smttb St». OFFICF * V ARD: l Office Iiourm, OtO t* ••.. i ito4 P M.