Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 200, 31 August 1894 — Page 3 Advertisements Column 3 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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Masquerade - Ball - | OITEX BV IHE lolemaiioaal - Setinet2ey CLUB. i I OLD ARMORY HALL Beretama Streei. Monday, 8ept. 3, '94 Graud Mnrch i»tr.nienc*e>i prnm- ! ptly 9. m. Everv masker is reqaeeted to be ion time aiiaa ti make thi<» thk j mabch of the »ea90D. Nom- but tbose masked wili be j allowe»! on ihe floor untrt after all; ! have unn»asked. ! No in»9k must be removed uotil I prizes are awarded. Anyone <JoiDg 30 will be Kirred from pnz»? eompetition j I’H!ZES. Jost read ihem over, and t.>momiw we will have them in M S. LEV\' st*ire window, whieh will be announced in the papera, so you ean ?ee them as well; and if you dont say they are ihe beāutiful and service«b!e that were ever given —well, eall us—. Yon need not be ash«med to say that y«u won tbem at the 9cbuetzen Club Baii; they will be a credit to I you and to us. The best of all i3, they will be awarded l ’fair and square.” Tbe judgea are unkoown and wi!l oiaKe their decision whilo ; all are en masqne. At the sound of a gong all will piease assemble at the piatform when the winning parties will be called up costume and tbe prizos awarded then and there. The wiuner muāt then unmaak in ihe j»resence of all, ao \ evervone ean see who wins.

l.ADIES’ PR!ZES. FlB3T PBIZt. Best dressed Iady charactw; A handsome silk dress pattetn. S*COND PKI2E. 6econd-b-st dresskd lady character; A superp aihum. Third Pkize, Funniest female character: Oue Turkish pla&h rug. 4x6 feed. Second funniest female character; One h.nlf do2en solid silver sp<x>ns. Be?l sustained female character: The dnest pair of shoes in town. lf they dont fit, tbe ji:dgee willlell you were to get them cbanged. Besl ”hard times” lady costume: Fivepound box purest Frencd candy. GENT1.EME.V3 PRIZE. FlRST Pr12E Finest drer.sed maie charncttrPunama hat. Second finest dresscd ma!e eharacter: ' One-half do2en silver ?poons. Funniest dressed mule character: Box [1»K)J finest Havana cigars. Seoond fnnnifst dresscd male char cter: One eoal oil stove. Be?t 'Tlard Times” malecharac-tc-r: One bed rug. Bcsides ihe above mantioned prizes oihers wiil be given out, at the disentiou of the judges, for worlhy rcpresentalions. for sale «t Smiih’s Shoe Storc and the Elile lee Cream Parlos. gW~iivzryho<.\y eome and have the hesl time you e er had on the Islands. Everyb>dv is invite<l from the l*resident dowu. Priz*-8 now on view al V S LEVY’S Siore, 7ō Fort Street. au2S-lwd

To Let or Lt>use, A ilOL'ēE on K:ng *treet. next to X. B\Valker § prem»ses, coctalning p*rlor, dlnQiog room, aod tbre« bedroom*. bestde« kuehen. b«tbro< m. st«biw «ad »U modert> Cocveniencr», Uleiv oc* np:«d by Mr Deni*oa. ,Artes Un viur Utd; rent m.>der»te to respooaiMe rmrtr. AddreM aukaham ferxandez «ng 3S-lxn J. Ū, TRUSCHLEK. lioot & Shoemaker, 130 F>ri Streft Hepair : Qj'. nōatl\* Doue, half aole aml heel with pogs, 11.00. HhII sole an»l hoel Hewing $1.50. an7 ASMmiS7EAT10H'S x 907102. TUE UM>ERSIGNED luving br.a 4ah •ppoinuU Teatpunre AtUniaiMr»u>r of tbe btste uf l«nni iu»5o PtoJt, (k) laie ol' Paaon. llou>>lul3. <Jrtbo, d«c(ueil. SoUcv U berebj girtu u> all credUors >f tn de«a«.d U> prēae*t lkeir eUia* vketber wnmi by Moitgiec. or otUer«i*e. doly uUKnlinliel uu vtU tbe propvr voackers. U aay esU> to (he nadennenēd «itkio .U m«oths irom Uke date hereot or tkey wiU be brew: b»rred; aod all perSou* iadēbtcd U> Use mM deccaaed are ret|»c*t to mke iaamcdUtc p»taeai at tb« OAee ol S. K. K.- !•», Cusiacr of Ktag uvd Bcttxl Streeu. Cp-*tair«. 1 K. KANE. Tcmpontrv Admwt*tr»tor o i tbr: Eata(e of Ja«el>ta Heamo Peīe. (k) deeeaw*l lloeoi&la. Asgitl 1& HM. aag BM«