Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 200, 31 ʻAukake 1894 — Page 3 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]
?hc Holomua (Talrndar. Al'GU8T 31. 1894 r»Kr.u.% *uiL uivin. will le*v« 1ot «nd arr v» ;r<>m San Pr*nciwM ani otber lortigis poru ( on or *bovt th« fol!owin{t <l*tee. t!U tt>e eioe*- of Iē94. Ui>i Hosouru Dci *i Hoeowu *t>» PmAKoeoo. Pa. Ha> hu«»oo o« Ta5cocm*. o« Va.ncoctek. Au«tnlu June23 AaelniU Jnc. )R Moftomi....Jun<-2S Araw» Jnr.e 23 Wamuioo.... July I M»ripo»a July AastnJia Ju)y2! An»tTftliii.... July 14 | Aiamed6 Jaly 26 Wanimoo.. .Jnly 23 Amn. Aur. 1 Monowai Ang. 2 ; Anstnlia ... Aog. 1S Aastrali»... .Aag. 11 Manpoaa.. Aog.23Ar»w* Aug. 23 Wimnoo... Srpt. 1 Alan>«si».... Anp. 30 AuRtrml» Sep«. 15 Aa«.tn»lirv Aept. 6 Mooowmi Sepl. 22 Lept.2S Anwi Oct. 3 Menposa... LwL 27 AnBtnha Oct. 10 Anstnlia Oct. 6 Alftiaeda Oct. 18 Aiwwa Oct. 23 Wamn>'xi ... Sov. I Monowai ....Oct. 25 AuaUmlia ...Not. 10An«tfralia.... Sot. 3 Uahpo»a Not. 15 Alam<-<!» ... Xot. 29 Amw* Dec. 1 Wanimoo.. ,Spt.23 An«tralia Dcc. 8 An«tralia . .Dec. 2 j Monowai ....Dec. 13 M»ripos»... Dec. 20 Wanimoo... .Dec. .30 Armwa Dec. 22 Anstmlia... .Dec. 31 : ti»Ml' I» Foht, |'AVAl. \ EMhtl> | H B M S HT.\cinth. May. EWiumoU. 1). 0. «mniANnu». Am l)ktne 8 S ('wtlr. HuWiani, San Frau. j Oer bk Benta, Tiemann. l.tTerpuol. Schr W 8Talbot, Ulnbniii.Scwcastli S 8 'V BiRF Rithet, Morri»on, S F Rktne Fianter. Dow. Ly»*n ls!and Bk C D Bryaul, Jacoh»«.-n, S F. Bk Velocity. Martin. Hongkong. 8chr Kobcrt Lewen., («oodman, Wa»hington Bk Aimaro, Brown, Neweaalle, S 8 W.
rUR> l(.N TmKLI EXFCCTtB. Am bk W S l’h. l|v (tn»\ H I1ht Duc Scbr AUen A . SFiMah) «lue Sohr KolM'rt Ijcwcr»... Or«y'U'b'r Duc Br nhip Orniara Sewca»tlc.... Ang. 20 8ctirbKiiir S F K*h).... Aug 20 O 4 OS 8 BclRic k okoham» . Aug. 21 Bk C D Krvaur 8 F Aug. 22 KM S S k(arn««ci.., ,Sydi.ey ... Aug 23 Bk O N Wileoi ... Mi.hlh»borongh Ang2.*. CA H8 Arawa Vanoouver Aug- 24 O S S Aiamela S F Aug. 30 C A 8 S Wuniuioo ...Sydney Aog. 30 FM S 8 Ohiua Shu Fihu ... .8ept. 3 Bktue Jobn Siuith . .Newc*»tlc.. Sept. 4 G«r bk I’»ul Iseaberb. Kn uu-u....Nov. 1 B*rk Rontenbcck Liverp.x>l.. .Nov. 23 We will all bo tbere Where ? Why. ut the Scbeuly,en Club MaHtiueravle Ball Monday, HeptoiuUt 9. 1894. E verybody is going Are you ' * gjtf~ lr Yoi K 11ok3K <>K Dv>G h aiek seml tboui ut onee to*20ō Kinp Streot. The uuly \ eterman Iufirni;iry in tbe llopuhlie fully (-quipj*od with moilom ap? plinrcwt» and skillfull attemlants. aogl-lm J. J. Williams the well-known Artistic I’hotographer is making a 8jvecialty of jHtrtraits on Watch l)ials aod Si!k Hamlkerchiefs. Comi>lete sots of Lantorn slidos l#ctures ean bo had at tho gallery. For thoy are aold at a roasonable tigurc by thc doiseu or by the hondred.
CūURTFll$T Cl^C(JlT —OK THK— ' |1AWJ\1IJ\N I0LAflD0. IN PIU)BATE. ln tbr r »f IIk »t*lf «f Rwt )Wlnw. htr ot Honulula. iWiu. īol»Uii On Uw muiioe amt filin|r tbf peUlioa of MKS NAXCY !*flLLMAN ot »»id Honoialn, f h*t Ko»c Mollmo of mU Honolulu. di«d iuleelau (l mii) H.-noiulu, on tttc 4lt 4»jr ot Fcbrtury, A. I> l'iM. »nU pr»yim{ lh»t LcttiT» of A<lmtni*tr»t! >n !‘»u> to her. Mhl SwiT MiUwan lt b onlemi t h»t on FKIHA\, tbc Slrt 4»y of SKPTKMBKK, A U is#4. bc «aj h*rebj U appoinlwl for «aM pellliou. in thr tO»rtī»ota oi thi» Court, »t Honolulo, «l whiol linie »nd phu-e «II prm>i» coaor-rt>rd m»T >p)rtr »m1 »Ih»« >»o*r. U »ntr tbry h»\r. »fcr muS uelilloo *hould noi ty (nntnL l>»lrd Hunoiniu. II. L, Aue -**, A. D. ISW. BTTHE CULBT t'*ARi u F. Pmwn, Cfcfi. »UX. a5>-5nrdly XOTICE. 1k ln*urv «11 BILLS f»r andrrUkiug vtli U p»Tnate on pmaeu auou. W« *re oompuuee to rw»rt to Uiu mio, on aeomui ol u« iMbtluy tu ooiin.: th« m»>>nty of our ī'mWuk'iu*: btUs «ltrr f«amt» *r» »vrr. WILUIMH BBCM., LI> A. WILUAMS Vlnyr. n«#7-lwd — ■..,3 ? \DTI(I. AU. «r» w«ro«d not to prrmit thoir «nuual» to tn«Mn on U» Und» of Kaaewai «ad K«a>oiluU, bek>ngtn« th* «»A«(WfM4 rioe P»atrr» All «nimUai found on «troyiug o* Um> hM Uu«J» wil! I» UBponad«d or «bot. LENTAI WAI SING KEE Hoanlala. A«g W. 1»*- *** » ltodly