Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 200, 31 ʻAukake 1894 — The Declaration War. [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

The Declaration War.

Tke (ollo«iQg i» the text ol tbe Impenel Bescript tbrouph whieh the war « ragiug between the two Oriental giants Japan and Cbin«: ' We, by the Orace o( Hearen Emperor of Japan. seated on a Throne occnpied by the same dynasty froin time immemomi. do bereby make proclamation to all Onr loyal and brare snbjects as (ollowa:— “We hereby declare wai agaiust China, aud we command eaeh and all ef Onr competent autborities t iu obedieuce to Our wish and vrith u view to the atlainmenl of the national aim. to carry on hoatilities by sea and by land against Ohina. witb all the means at their disposal, cousistentlv with the Law of Nations

• During the past threedecades of Our reign. Oar constant aim has been to fnrther the peaceful progress of the coantry in civilization; and beiug sensible of the evils iuseparable from eomplicatious with Foreigu States. it |has alwaya been Onr pleasure to instruct Our Miuisters of to labour for the promotion of friefndly relations witb Our Treaty. Powers. We are gratitied to know that the relations of Our Empire with those Powers have yearly increased in good-will and in friendship. Cnder the circumstances. We were unprepared for such a conspicuous waut of araitv and of good faitb as haa been manifested by Chiua iu her condnct toward tbis countiy in connection witb tbe Korean atfairs.

Koroa i* «» independent State. She uas firsl iutrodaced into tlie famiiy of natioo8 by ilie advioe and under the gaid;ince of Japan It has. howover, been China’s hnbit to dosignate Korea as her dependency, and both openly aud secretly to interfere witb her domestic atfairs. At the time of tbe recent civil iuaunrection iu Korea. China despatcheil troops thither. allegiug that her purpose was to atford succour to her dependent State. Me, in virtue of the Treaty concluded with Koiea in 1882, and looking to possible emergencies. caused a military force to be sent to that*?ountry.

' Wishing to procure forKorea freeJom from the calamity of perj>etual Jisturbance, aud thereby to maintain the poaee of the East in general, Japau invited C'hina‘s co-operation foi tbe aecomplishment of that object.

But Chiua. advaucing various pretexts, decliued Japau s pro posal. Thereupon. Japan advised Korea to reforra her «dministration so that order and tranquility m;ght be preserved at home, aod so that the country raight be able to discharge the responsibilities and duties of au independeut State abroad Ko- \ rea has already consented to s undertnke the task. But Chiua has »ecretly and insidiously endeavoared to circnmvent and to thwart Japau’s pnrposa,, She has, further procrastinated. aud endeavoured to make warlike pre- ( paratious both on land and -at 9©a. When those prep;«r itions j were completed >be not only sent large reinforcements to Ko- ■ rea, with a view to the forcible attainment of her ambitioos designs, bnt even carried her arbi- : trariness and iusolence to the oxteot of openmg tire upou Our ships in Korean vraters China’s plain object is to make it uncertain vrhere the responsibUity resides of pteserving peaee and . order in Korea. and not only k> I weakeu the positiou of that State in the famiiy of uations—a positiou obtaioed for Korea througb J«pau s etforb>, —but also to ob. ! scure the signifieance of the treaties recognizing uud confirmiug tbat p.vsitiou. Sach conduct i on tbe part of Chiua i» not only a direct iujary to tbe rights and iutereats of tbu Empire, btu aUo a menaee to the |vermanent peaee i aud trauqaillity of tbe Orient. Judging froiu her actīons, it ) Qiuat be coneladed tbat Ohioa. from the beginning, has been i | bent upon sacrificing poaee to \' the aiUinmeni of ber stnister i ' object. In tbis sitoation. ardeut i i as Our wish i» to promote the (j prostige of ibe coautry abroad 1 by «triotly peaeefol methoil«, We

find it impo«sibl* to »Toid * fonnai declar*tioi» of w*r L’hina. !t is Oar e.irntst wish . that. bv the loyalty ra ! .our of Oar faitbfal sabjects, peaee m*y soon be permsnently restor6d *nJ the glory of tbe Empire be ! iQgmented »nJ eompleted. •'OWen thir lst day of ttie eightb monih of the 27tb yesr of I Impenai Majesty’s Sign- manual.) “Coantersignatare of the MiuUter President of Stato and of tbe other Ministers of St*te." BUbop WillU !eft ia the Hali tbis morniug The W G. Hall left th»3 morning for Hawaīi. School teachers aad roosqaitoea are in the majority. Jadge Wuiauiaun wil! r*»turu to town tomorrow j\’ening — Mr. W. H. Coi».T>roll is expected to srrive tf>morrow in the Kinan. _ L. J Levey LeU a most successful auction at the resiJeuce of G O. Nakayauia today A “libi-etto” 1ihs boen fouud. iIf no ownership is claimed the Holomua will publish the magnificent literary g<?m.

“Luther DerrooDt" au uutietlged «ovelist hus beeu initiat—ed into the Schuerzen Club He is now stndyiug Oeiman Mr. C. F Wall,onoof tbe popnlar engineers of the Inter-Island S. S Co returued fco hia home here, from San Francisco by the Alaraeda The • improved H>twaiians will give a musical entertainraent on the 19th inst. The prograinme arrauged f'*r the t'»cc;vsion is raost promiaing. _____ There was ranch joy in Honoluln vesterday when it was stated that the Amenean Minister Willis wasordered home. T ufortunately there was uo truth in the statement, Tbe numerous friends of Mr. Johu K. Wi!der were pleased to see him around yesterday The popular gentleman looks fuily restored from his rocent spell of sickness. The Coulter bighway robbery case is being tried before a for- ' iurv todav. The uocused i O • • • has no lawyer but defeuds himself with a great deal of onorgy and sorae skill.

The steamer Australia will leave San Francisco toraorrovr with news date to Sept. lst. Tbe stearaer Cbina leftthere for here en route to tbe Orient, on the 29th inst., aud will be dne at Honolulu on Sept. 4th. By doing our duty, we leam to do it, drink Moruiug and Eveniug Star X BREHAM Bethel St.. Muiual Tel. 314. aug 2*2