Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 200, 31 August 1894 — LOCAL NOTES. [ARTICLE]
Oaho College opens on Mon- t j day next. Mr. Ailan Herbert retorned to towu by tbe Alamed. Mr. Samnel Parker did uot leave for Hawaii tbis roorning Kvgistration for voling purposes wil! bo open for a menth yet. The Scbeatzen Club members hold an important meeting tonight. But little vrater is now trickiing over the beds of the loeal streams. bales of Pearl River lots are not showing mueh of a boom at prcsont. . The Salvation army is to iuvade Honolulu next week via steamer Australia Mr. Hitcbcock is peddling republican commission8 on tbe othcr islands. Band concert at Emma Sqaare tomorrow afternoon comraencing at 4:M0 o’eloek. ■ — Only the re-commissioned will be in comroigsion in Government circle», after today. Nuuauu avenue sbould now be rechristened and called the 1 Road’ to the Pali.
The Hritish cruiser Champion uiav be expected back from her NVcker ialaml crnise ou Mond«y. The huuters will eomuienee to chorn« in the woods on Sunday noxt. Fires iu the forests will be more frequent. The O. S. S. Alameda sailed for the South at 5 p.m. yesterday. She carried forward a uumber of through passenger3. No baseball to-morrow afternoon. The managers of the Baseb«ll Association raay resign —when asked to. About this season of the year |ieople fiud tbat large tracts of land «re very valp'-ble for leasing as shooting rights. Therc will be a match gamo. botween members of the Honoluln Cricket Club. at the Makiki reserve toraorrow afternoon. A Domber of unique costumes are now being prepared for display at the Scheutzeu clnb hil nuumut, next Monday uight
The Uriff bill wonld l>ecome law withont Presideut‘s aotiou on Monday Aug. 27th. But he may veto it or return it for ameudment. M n». Th»rds will deliver a leetur» on a theosophical subject this eveuiug at Foster hall. Leeture commeuoes at 8 o'eloek aud everybody is invited. The McC«udless Br«>s. have struck w«ter at the Hospital grounds at a depth of 400 feeL The real artesian fiow has not vet been reacbed. •'Thurston’s monum ent’ on tbe Espalaode is to receive $25 000 more of repairs and a!terfttions. The projector of the plan is aoon going to the Coast. And siili the liou and the unic«Trn surrnoant the main entrance to the Araerican (?) Waterhouse’s establishraeut. The flagpole is emptv «im'e the Philadelphia went Captam K «rl Kleiume of the Scbeutzeu clab haa been “left out" in tbe loaane Asylum ap pointmcnt, by the Board of Health, as represente«l by Bill 8mith.
Fred. I. Catt«r ont» of the usoiiibtTs of the Board of Kxaiainen haa been »ppoiuted by the Board of HeaHh to the po&iiion of heiid keepei of the losane Asylatn. The nppoiniee does not even know the menning oC alaka in Hawaiun.