Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 200, 31 ʻAukake 1894 — Hawaiian Hardware Comp'y. [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

Hawaiian Hardware Comp'y.

Angus| 30. The tboosauds -an.l thosan«is of peopie who re«d the dai!v paper>< and pet Ihe news bvpp«ning> j from tbe four quarters of earth, . !do so witb little tbougbt of the expense attached to gettiog out a i paper and the txials and tribula- | tions oi the e«lītor aod frequent loaa of money to the owners. The d.fficaities whieh be set the patfas of newspaper people vary . according to locality; in the : Notbern States, wbere tltere are ‘nine months winter and three . montbs very late Ull," it frequentlv Iiap|>en3 that the road> are ; blookade«l with snow, just about the time the paper »upplv is ex- | hausted, so the editor has to fali back on his polished-siirface book pa)*er to get out his e»iitiou. In Vuk>bnrg, Missisippi. a«ay haek in the sixties an entire aloek : of w<-»ll paper was used in gettiog i ont a weekly paper. newspaper ; was not obtainable. In some plaeee the will demand a niaximum of news, telegraphic and loeal at a min- | imum price. and tben wanl to pay their subscription an<i a.lvertising bills in wood or vegetables. 1 But when Saturday night cou»es around the gentle «nd ungentle comj>ositor rebels, when he is offered anything, but eoin in p«ymeut for his services, aud tbis accounts for the f«ct tha! half tlie editors in United Stites are | troubled witb iusomnia We have known compositors in eoonj try towns to actually refuse to live on a diet of roller coinp>si and strike if the editor would not ' divide the contents of tbe paste | pot. In Houolulu, things are differ- . ent; paper is iuanufaotured in Califoruia, and the oeean uever freezes so hard that the vessel | cnn t run, so there ia no delny there iu getting a stook of paper; j i the ,, typoB” usually ineet the bu3Īness Managers on Sutnrday i with a broad smile whieh they j give in excbange for good gold eoin, and the editors who do nut wear searcb ligbts iu their shirt ' fronts leave them oti, because they do not wish to be mistaken by tourists for capitalists. The I compositors, too, ure of a better | class than you will find on the i Pacific Coast; tbey dress better, : i live better and «re better citizens ! tbnn you will find in other places, j i eveu at twelve and n half ceut beor Iis uot inducement enougli for | them t«> tuke on “jag. ’ If tbere is anything tliat will ' set otf the appeaianee of a home, j a good hanging Lamps is the thing. We have a new stock of ; Lamps thnt is so varie<l >n styles | and prices that we ean suit tLe i ta»tes and pui-ses of everyone. | Tlie burners, whieh is really mui'o importaut tiian the deoorations, uave been selected wuh a to socuriag the most powerful 1 ight with the least possib!e j amouni of beat. We otfer tbcse to the puhlie at prices sufficieutiy low to induce more people to buy tbau we have Lamps ' to seil. Garden Hose is as mneh a I uecessity u» a teiephoue. The j long stretches of Jry weatber kilis j tbe grass uuless it is imgateil i and yoo eaunoi very weil irrigale 1 uuless yoo bave Hose, the water ' supply is meagre but with a littie | conDtviog one eau always get f enougu to keep tue grass aud j plants alive. Table Knives, C«rvers. Spoons ' and Forks are cheaper tban tbey h»ve ever been before and we j ; bave a big stock of them. Tbe £nives are tbe best made iu thH“ 8tates and tbe Spoons aud Forks the best qnadrop.e pUie. Tbese will last as long as solid w»re that' costs four or five times as mueh. 1 We keep always a fui{ line of these go*>ds and eau sapplv anv ! j demand. We neelected to menlion wheo , wnting aboat Oanien Hose tbat we bare « qoantity o( the latest | imprured water sprioklers that 1 «e ean seli very eheap and whieh I »re bound to give 8atisfactiod, if ; for no other reaaon than they will ; not g»t ont of order snd vory i little force of «rater runs tbem Tto Haiaūi Mrue Ci ! 30? Fori Sb*«l