Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 200, 31 ʻAukake 1894 — The Emperor of Japan. [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

The Emperor of Japan.

Tbe F.mi>eror and Empress of Japan are fond of horseback i riding and other ootdoor exereiaee. Their Imperiai Majesties | are often seen c.intoriDg togetber j aiong the generoosly »haded bridle patbs of Uyeno Park, one , of the largest aud most beautifol pieasare gronnds of the world. Erau!ating Peter the Great, witb perhaps a memory of Haronn i Alraschid, the Emperor sometimes goes out aione and unobserved and mixes qnietly wilh his subjects. He occasionally ! stands in iarge crowds in tbe ! principal streets of Tokio, listening to the conversation of the j lowest classes with evident in- , terest. Thus he keeps constantly ! in touch with bis |>eople. Tbink of it! » Tweuty-five years ag > no one ! ; would have dreamed that the j Heaveuly King, as the Mikado is ! called, conld walk the streets j unobsenred by his subjects, says the New York Maming Journal. lndeed, at that time it was impossiblo to see his Impeml Majesty m the street at «II. and it was against tbe law of tbe I«nd ; for any one, save the veiy h ghest officials, to look at him at auv j tirae. Emperor Mntsuhito is tbe one huudrcd and twenty-first of his line. He is forty-two years old, and one of the most learned men o{ the world. lf his Royal High ness Albert £dward, Prince of Wales, is the first gentlemau of Eur-pe, his Im|>erial Majesty Mntsuhito is certainly tbe first gentlemau of Asia. Mutsuhito is very mueh larger than the average of hissubjects. He is tall and well-proportioned, and when he appears in the handsorne uniforra of ihe Commauderin Chief of tbe Japanese aimy Le is quite as imposing as any monarch of Europe. His eomplexion is very light for a Japa- i . nese. Tbough his eyes are rather i sinall, tbey are of a brilliant ' dark-brown. aud seem fnll of, quiet force. He has a broad,; high forehead, and his hair is j jet black and very tliick iike most | ‘ of the men of his race. His eye brows are well arched, j whieh ia an iuiportant feature of j uianly be«uty, »ccording to the j Japanese couoeption, while his nose is straight and strong. He wears a I.trge mnstacbe and an ; imj»eiial of dark brown, whieh j are tarning gray. In a vord, he | is a man of strinkingiy p]ea.sing appcaranee The Emperor.thoagh strictly just and a stickier for private as well as )niblic raorality, is extreiuely kir.d hearted. His aeumen is astonishing, and be Is the wisest and sonndest judge in wh«tever he undertakes. He is-allowed *3.000.000 a year by the l’ailiamenl for the espeuses of his household, but as he is | a good bnsiness man be ha» io- j vested part of lus allowjnce every year in laods aud rnilroads, whieh juvestments yield hira a large private ineome. The managers of his varions enterpriser are heid strictly to aeoouni by hira. They find in him a shrewd bnt gentle master. A number of load reports at oeea&ional intenrals, from tbe direction of Portuguese tovn, were he*rd last evening, and it was thought at first, tbat Com - pany D: waa trying to iake the PaUee. Instead it was found tbat one of tbe Udy friends of tbe Co. was celebrated. — The !ormer residence of tbe Ute Prinoess Ruth was occupied by a Urge assembl*ge. of tbe misaionary etement, last eveniug Tbe fxequent (emale abrieks daring tfae evening indicated ebollitions of vocaliam of a peou* Iiar order. J5io arraets.