Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 199, 30 August 1894 — They Eeturn [ARTICLE]
They Eeturn
« w , Measr& S. P«Hcer. H. A. Wide j m inn asd J. A Oammii» witi Secret»ry Sew«rd retaroe>i 01 Al»meda todaj- All tbe gentl» men !ooked weii anj s}{ wer he«rtiir receired bj their per s<>D«i frieads as weii as bv th re*«ple «f tKiha Sad uevs reech ed Mr. CouiXDios as sooq as tb steamer was bo«rded acd īlieioa in his fami!v tbroagh tbe grea ’ wielder of tbe scvthe, dortng fai *b*ence was sincerely deplored Judge WideiQann w>g pleased t< fiud bis f*railj reported in fio< «rder. and be Ieft immediatel' f«r W .lianiie. Mr. P«rker wii take p.<s8iige ou tbe Hall to mor row Hiid j«tn hw wtfe who wa cnlled frora towu throogb tb< illnes5of M sa Helen Parker.