Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 199, 30 ʻAukake 1894 — THE OOHEAN WAH . [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu


Waghington, Aogust 22. The •fapaue*e Leg-itioo b«s n oehed do new« of ao engageiuent» be tweeo tbe Japant*ee and Cbinog« forcea «ud report d from Sbang hai in tbe <iispatcbes pabliabed tbis mortīiDg. O35oial« of tbe Leg»tionexj press tbe strong st eoitfiJeuce in I ibe aoeuntey of tbc telegnMQ rej ceired «t tbe Leg.«tiou yest«rday Monooocing tbe fiud:ng <>f tbe Britisb Coort >>f li>qairy at Sb-«nghai ii. tlie Kow Sb og c»se vas fjTor«ble to Japnn Tbe L*g»tion ehamOenea as j onqaa)ifiedij ine»rrect tbe a«ser tion th.it tbe c»mni»Mder uf ibe Naoiwa ordered hi* men to fire upoo tbe surTiTom fr»ra the Ro» Sb*iDg wbo wem strugg!iog in the wnter. # Tokio, Augu«t 22. It was of ficially announcod June 30tb tb»t tbe King uf Corea liad deciared bimseif indepeudent ufC!mm hi»! HppeaieU t<> Japan to as>ist iiiiu in <iriviijg theCl>incse trou> Asib, »ith the assist<nce of Core»n troops. Ou tbe Miu« d«te C»reN renounced alt treaties wit!i CbioN. Wasbingt *n. Angost 22. A new »nd Tery p»tent facti< n in tbe iuilitary co>>dition of as ■ it reiates to a Iong eont nued war, bas jast eonm to iiglit. lt as that sbe is liahle t<> ruu oot »1 cartridges for ber new mii<tary r.fie. No one outside tbe Impenal ameiial at Tok O kn<>ws ju«t how nmnv Mumta nfies JapaH b»s, nor tbe qnuntity of c»rtriclges on liand, but the best estim»te is tbat there are l>etween 180 000 «nd 200,1-00 nfl -s and abont 20; 000,000 vou'ids of !>ail C'irtridg> s. Had Jup.»n f<«reseen t!ns war si« c»uld h;ive becu «mply prep<red in evory respect. China knows wiiat Japau’s weakuess is. Slie li»s just ni»rketed a 850.000,000 loan iu G-*r many aud £ngland, and it w.<s »t the earnest requ>-st, nn«l <iImost | demand of Oeinuo c«p tdists who took this !oan «nd want j Cliiua to win, tlmt Raiser Wil i helin issuod an imperial order f<>rbidding any sliiproentsof arms from Genuany toeither Chinu or : Japan. » The Berlin corresp<>ndent of the Stanilanl says : ‘ lt is report ed that Connt Ito retnarked t« several diplom»(s receutly tb«t Japan iias eqnal inter«-st with Kussia iu tbe completion of tbe ; S<berian raiiw»y, whieh would I be tbe me»ns of exportmg ber j prodnces to Enrope. Tberefure J;ipan would not <>bject to Rus sia oocupymg port of CaZireff. \ whioh would be suitable for tbe ; terminns of tbe milwa}’. * , I London, Ang. 20 A disp»tcb to tbe Crn(rn( .V. «« froin Sbang liai s>iys: Li Hnng Chang’s armv, 50,000 strong. aml a hige f <rce »f Japanese troops »re neanng e»cb otber, and a battle ;is eniiuent. Cbin«-se ganboats <»nd wamhipa are cruisi>.g >ib'«ut j tbe Gnlf of Peehili, witb tbe objeot of preveuting the Japanese from l»u<liut.' tr»ops in j Cbina. Tbe Cbinese Tessels have lnding places iu the numeioim bays aud aruis of tbe gulf, wlienee j Uiey are ahle to observe tl<e , ra»Tements of tbe enemy witbout i beiug seen. A uumber of Japan<se war vess°ls Mie convoymg troop sbips in tbe Yellow sea. bnt tbeir des- . tmaiiuu is uot known Aduiiral Tmg. cotnmauder of tue Cb nes« fieet. is dcsirous of eng«ging in open »earcli for f<ir©«ga warsbips in Chinese w»ters, b»»t be is uu able to carry out bis wishes. ns ; the Vicerv>v's onlem ar** tbat au engageioent witb tbe Japaoese squ»drou roust be avoided. The Japaaese have agreed to . refrain from mo!esting Cbioe.se merchaot vesseis not c«rrying articles eoutcabaud of w»r. Tfae Yokob«mu eorrespoode!it ol the Ventrai .V. u* says Japau's 4 per cent »ar loan bas beeu fally sobscribed S«n Fmncisco Aog. 23. Min ister Rurino »f Jap»u left for U «sh Dgtoo restenlay to assume , faia duties a> tbe chief rrprewo- ■ tative of Jap«u iu this coautr.. j. B*»fore be ieft he weoie t«» fol- : iuwwg lett«r to the £xaa uRir, < deayisg s diapatcfa wfaiofa d ,

tb*t J«pADese offici*!s opened the tu*il of foreignen *od sap pn*aB8it ietters ii tbey were detriniental to , lo J*p«n the secrecy of leik**» i» expnrs»!y gcar»nteed by a proeiaiea of tbe CoastitatiuD. tnd soeb a thiag na is referred to *s «o impoes-bility. Jf yon rectify the iutsUke yoa «iil obiige oie verv uiaeh. ĪToars traiy. S KUBEfū. Wsshiogtoa, A"gost 21 Tbe Japeoese LepUion bere has received intel)igence st>ting tbat it has been rep»rted t<> Tokio ou relinbie anth<>rity tb«t tbe find ing '>f t‘.e Britisb oaTHl conrt of !nqn;iy whieh was held iit Sbnngto investigite the fnct of tbe sinkiug of tbe Bntisb steMmer K w 8bing when actīog hs a transp<*ri f<»r Cbiuese tro><|>8 for C>reH by the J crniser >' niwa Khd iHf-.vor.ble t<> tbe jH|>anese. lt is niso reported tlint tbe British AdTairut b:»s offici;illy st«teil to bis g<>vernraent tiiat h*- cousitlers tlie siukmg of t!»e Kow t?bing. nn<ler tbe circunistaures. ns tl>e »qniv.ilent - f t»e siuking <>f a CLinese vessel, .«ml tiiat be ba« couseq iently Hilvised tbe Britisb goverument to make uo elaim. Londou t Ang 21. A dispatch receiv*d froiu bbingbni tbis evenmg says th >t e >io aaiiication with Corea Iihs been stopped c<nnplotely, aml th «t correspaudeut» who stirted receutly for the j>en ns>ila lmve retnrued, as they found it wonlil be uaeleaa to pro<reeJ to tiie seat ot w.>r. Tne Siiangli «1 c >iTesj)>>ndent of tho Cent al X >jo* »ays tli it a uew reforin C>ibin*t h.«s been HHtued in S> >ul .m 1 th it a uew c*oinago m ill be iss>>eJ