Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 199, 30 ʻAukake 1894 — ONE FOR BUSH. [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu


Cbi«»K°» Augnst 16—Queen LiliuukalHiii s 0oaiuiissioner9, S«mnei l*arker, tl. A. Widetu«uu »ud J. A. Cuminin8, arrived «t the Grand l’ueilie t-»-uight on tbeir wny Imok to Huuoluiu. ' Our uiiiMoou »H8 not whully ousatisfHctory.” s«id one of t!»e CotumissiuuerH. ‘' We bucceeded iu pre8eutiug tbe 8»bject of tho present iituatiou iu its j>roper ligbt. e had exi>eoted, how ever. to bo «ble to keep the repohlie, «h »t is called. from re cieviug recognition We faiied in thMt, hh Fresident Cievel«iud has »ieeu fit to recogmze it. There ig uuthing fur ns tO du but to uve uuder the O vero»uent in the hope of 8oaie day securing « change. **lt is impoeihie to 8ecure eontroi of the G>»vernmeut bv the opposition, for D>»ie «ud bis pi»rty eoinpei ti»e oi»tb of ailegiauee. It has not the support of • tuajurity uf the « hite people and oo suppurt «hatever from the uatives. Such bemg tiie case, you eau readilv see that it has not tbe eiementf» of stability. "Tbe elaim tli«t the natives were ouly waiting for recognition o! the republic by the Umted butes to take tiie oath of allegi- ; •nee )8 not true. Tbe nntives will not taka tbe oath. The oouali- > tutioo g.ves ruore power to tbe 1 Pre*ident tbao the conatitutioii of 1652 gave to the Kiug, who bad been abaolnte ro!er <>ver li£« and death and property wbeo be agreed to it. It is a republ»c ooly in name. «nd will not euniioue uules- made mur » liberal." i