Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 199, 30 August 1894 — ARRIVED. [ARTICLE]

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The MiB£ion of the Oommia*ioner« Accompliahed Wuon the AUiocdii arriT«d this roonjing. a great nurnber «>f H.»«aiinne were presrnt *t U»e wh>«rf, and there qmte «n exoitemeot to le»rn whnt tbe intent»on of the L uitcd Stntes whs towa»-ds Hnw.«ii-nei. Tlie cc*mtnissioners appeared. an*l when asked. eon6rrned Ihe a!r**adv priuted in the HoLO*» a. Tbe Kepohlie of Hauaii is reei*gnizt*d by Cleveland. Tbe recoguition of is n**t very corrli «lly nor is it intended to be s«) The/<i/**re of H'Omii-nei j* in thf han<i« oj the H ni'iiinn*. Tbey ean pr«y ;«nd wait. or tbey ean fight and vote. Nobody is interfering, except the itrm»calate editor of the Ka Leo As far asthe Unite*l SUtv8arecdnceriie*l Hawaii is PAU- Tlieie cauuot and will not be any atleuipt t«i c«rry ont Mr. ClevelHnd‘s j.K*licy of restoration. Ht never «ban doned it. but circamsUnces de lua nd«*d that he must drop a scbeme that could c«rry only unpopaIarity aud hutred witli it towards bis party. Let tbe Hawaiians listen to tbe report of their c<*mmissi<»ners und accepr ihe situatu»u. A few )iues w*li explt«iu it: * A Governiiient <*f the people is a Government* the l*«ws of whieh is obeyod aud to whieh taxes are paid. Mr. Bush pays his tuxes to Mr. Dole’s gov emiuenl and be obeys tlie laws of the repnblic Wby tlien <b>es he snggest tuat the failure to oppoee the preseut government is t<>t.illy due to haoleK ? He aeknow ie<lges tbe republic every d«y, aud he emphi«size8 his support of it by paving liis taxes aml by atUcking it politically. Why doesu’t he repudiato the wliole business aml appear on thesceneas:mallr<»und revolutionist und a way-uple.«der? We will answer the questiou? Because Mr Bush iias no puil atnong the people, and is too big a cowar<) to risk his hanūonagathered lK sh.