Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 199, 30 ʻAukake 1894 — Page 1 Advertisements Column 4 [ADVERTISEMENT]
Golden Rule Bazaar, Depot £or NKWSPaPERS xst> PERIODlCALS bv evf»n ircomin*f stearner. J3T in Advt»nce. Vc- - •■ ■ ■’ *-■ ~1~ ’ ’ * IX)ME8TU 8EWIN0 XACHINES. ’ Tbis Maehiuo is the K.ing of ull. On it yon ean niake a Loekstitch. Chain-atitch, Embroidery, Bntton-holes. U itflep. Tncks Guitars, Lawn Tennis, DitsebalL Croqnet. Statioueiy aml Ulank Books at J3T'Cash I‘iucfs. llanū '*ewing Maehinee £roui eight dollarK and a haif np. fjy27 T. H. Davies & Co„ lLiaaoj.t©cL Fresh Feed and Flour From WASHINGTON. Lion Flour, Oats, Barley, Middllng8, Bran, Per “ Warrimoor Just to Mand. New Dry Goods Crockery, Hardware, Groceries, T<» llnnd. f s -- | Bailey Hoioluiu Made Wire Woren Matres es an« 24 CITY DIAYA0E CO. SUnd: Oneen and Fort Whit** an Bl*ei Dr»jiof Dwe i, Rate«. w, r oa) J» i