Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 199, 30 August 1894 — Page 4 Advertisements Column 3 [ADVERTISEMENT]
Fire, Llfe d Marlne INSURANCE. HAHTFOHD FIHE IXSURANCE CO,. A««ets, $ 7.109,825.49 LOXDOX-LAN T CASHIRE FIRE IN T a CO.. AsseU. S 4.317.052.00 THA MES-MERSEY MAKINE IXS. CO.. Assete. $ 6,124,057.00 XEW YORK LIFE IXSURAXCE CO., Asaets, $137,499,198.99 ( C. O. HERGER, General Ajjent for the Hawaiian U’and3, llnnolnln tid»TY^ E $. Bf^o IMPORTERS AND DEALERS ĪN O'uoeeuieā, F > r , ovisions AND Feed, EAST C0RXER F0RT & KINO|STS. New Groods Rec’d By everj' Packet frora the Easteru Statos and Earopc. Frosh California Protluce bv eveiy steamer. All onlers faithfully attended to, and Goods delivered to any part of the city FREE 0F CHARGE. Island Orders Solicited. Satisfaction Guaranteed. Post Office Box No. 145, Telephone Nn, 92. THE H0N0LUUJ_S0AP H0U3E. g«lU the very best qnality of SOAP at $4.50 per 100 pound4 and 17 bars of 35 pounds huneāi weight for $1.25. GERMAN BLUE CAST1LE SOAP. manufactnred bv Grans Bro;>.. Mannheim, Germanv, at 10 cents per ponnd. TO!LET SOAP.”retall at wholesale price«. SOFT St>AP in tins of 42 ponnd». $1.25. 8TEARIC WAX MINiNO CANDLES, manufactured by the Emrey Candle Works of Cincinati, Ohio, 12 <’andlea for 25 eenl». KIAWE FIRE WOOD, $10 per cord. The ume cut In hloeka of 12 inehe» lone at any qnantlty from $1 np. Dellvered free of charge to any part of the city KIAWE CHARCOĀL at 40 cents a sack. Klcbmoud, Va,, CEDAR WOOD POI PAlI-S 6nUhed with bra»s hoopa. Small size 50 eenU; larpe slee 75ccnts Empty Vincgar and Wine BARRELS a» water receivcr» at II. KITCHEN SALT in sacks of 100 pouud*,50cts TABLE 8ALT given away. Ulghest eaah pnee paid for IIIDES. 8KINS and ĪAuLOW. TIlkEE (3) PACKAOES, rontaining 30 BOXES of TOKIO PARLOR MATCHES, on!y TEN CF,NTS. X- HHEHAM, Mutual Teiephoue 314. Bethel Street ang0 - P. O B*x 480. Mctual Tf.iephone 245, The Cheapest Plaee on the Islauds to Buy New and Second Hand Fmiture IS A.T THE COKNZK OF King & Nuuanu Sts. I X L Honoluiu H I.
j THE COMMERCIAL SALOON, The Only i;port!ng Hoase io v Town. O. 1*. S. a Specialitv. i LOHENOKIN LAGEB iEEEK, Always on Dr«agbt. 2 GLASSE3 FOB 25 CEST8. j 3e*i of Wines, Liguors, Harry Klemme, Manager Cor. Nuuanu & Beret*nia sts. Honolalu. H 1. 1 ALWAY9 on hand. inl tf r v
CHOCK I.OOK.i Mei*chant Tailor, No. 4S Nuiuinu St„ Honolulu. A Une n*sortir.eDl of Amertcin, Ka«li»h »nd 8cotcb ciolb* on bud- Oood work mmI t j FinteliM fit panwlwi! Clotl« Cl«aed : «nd Rep«ired. Kwona: Sinar Loy Merchant Tallor, Dry Oood*, Men and l/idies's Shoes. No. «7 Kine $treet, aear ' Holomn*. ’ jnly 5 YJfiE CHAN, i OCALEB IN Fnje (jood? Fine TaiIoring Pine Chinase and J«p«oese Uaodkerchiefs Koe. 81 to 83 Nuuanu St. Honolulu, P.O. Box 253. jj5 4