Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 199, 30 August 1894 — Page 3 Advertisements Column 4 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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PCRIFIED WATĒE. No Miorobes. CS*D BY rHE 0UX90UD*TKD SODA WATER WORKS COMPA\Y—Limited Th.ey :X'tjlxxx1s1x tl2.e FovL23.tedja.s Tl2.xc\a.g‘l2.o\3.t tlx© cny, £XCKPTIM. ONF X>uu:© as Cx3rstsil. KT TT5"Z" IX. aug7 HOLLlSTER lmport?r> W iolewle arui De*len|ia X , i2n.© Cig*sirs, Tolacco, a>u Sxxxols:exs -^xtiolas. Agents for the Celebrate»1 G. H. D. PIP£:S, MADE IN PAKIi Benson, Smith & Co„ The Corner DRU6 ST0RE Pnre Dru£rs, Pine Perfumes, Prompt Vttention, IjOw Price: Corner Fort Hotel Sts. aul r t s. n. Will on AUGl T 9T lai Komove fn>:u hia prt-3ent 8p>re >n ffotei street, lo the plaee formerly occm*ied by Benson, Smith <!c Co., ou Fort «tre«*t. After I get ?ettled il will be to your adv*ntgo to nr4e the prīoeB. et<*.* thnt wi : I ippvir i". th‘i eolumn Woven Wire rrMACH1NE N,ADE ‘* 3 Mattresses KA(TOBY O I! : KALIHI N«»w. for the firsl tone ma mlaolurod right hcre in Honoluln. B_v the only man outeide of the Unite<i Kingdom. who uaea \VIRE, whieh wiil not Rt 3T; h« hiving M'euml exciuBive rigbtP to uso th<* eame. Taro Plnut8, FreahTopa »nd R*» Taro »t all tine9. Hing Up Mulual Telephone 577 Be!l 345 W. L. WILCOX, jy25 Manager. PATRONIZE HOME INDUSTBY 0e|JJJKRClSL itR a h.ackneyed phras«. But if vou want tn buiid np a Nat: >n, >ndntries muet be f<»8tered. Keep your raonev in vour own ai.d buv a e R>EB OK Nuuana and Ber-tmta 9tn»«U. .561 /—Both TeLepho!»bb:—% 561 G*»OD REL1ABLE *nd jy27 tf. C1VTL DKIVER3. 1 Non-Corrosiv* Solld Comfoi 1 Spring 6td. ai.tde tn Hooiinln, »h will m t SAG or Ri'9T. or. A ĪMmUou Co». Ckild'tChb, Ver«D»l»a Cbtlr, Louoge, Tare«.<Ju*r!<rt 3!o<Ur aaO Full M«. Fol4ing Wlre Be4* Gust. A. Mauer, HA\f AlldX HOTEL BARBBR IauHk Shampooing a tpecinUy Honolulu. *og4. Honolulu Chas. T. Gulick NOTAR’V public ARTIC!.ES 3o!t- ble V) y -ur eiimale; PRICE9 *’Mt.-»bie U> the iimee. »» you fi .d tbrm. F*r the For th« Ialand of Oaho. Ag»*nt lo Take Ackaowiedgo)entM tu L«bor Contncts. Itent HEI) in tho MnrUet, Ageot io Graut Marriage Lieense.H. Honolnln, Oahn. * i rec>inmend th* IIAKIPOKI» WEAVE SPRING HED. TM>U Ag-nt for Uie liaw’n UUnds of l| Wre all through, PlTT A Scott’s» Freight \\OVES »8 fiue a*. ci>.th. S»'i t and Parcels Exprean. 4 meh. \L r ..e tV.n,. a. M a ileub>| A nX for tbe Bnrlington Ronte C >irga. W rrjiu<d in <verr par-; * tictilar. N>v.r yet fniM g^ gr j I .M8fer th- ee g v-da to the ouh!tc : Hell i'el, :HS; Mnl T»i. m, P O. Box 4lfi. , I w’U"! confidf*no*. hartng oo«dn tb»*tu i fc fr.r y«»afB. Ynu ewn nnw g*«t your|OFFlQ£: No. 38 MSBCHANT WJ 9trr»»» Honninln H