Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 199, 30 August 1894 — A Pet Rewarded. [ARTICLE]

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A Pet Rewarded.

Mr. J. W Knlaa has heen appoinied Judge of the Secoud Circuit Court The AttorneyQeneral is to be coiupliinented on this appointuoent aud he will probably bave hia hands full in defending the ‘ judge” itgainst the ' w;oked” “royali8t” charges whieh now will be preferred against “His Honor ’ Xew York, Aug 21 A dmpatch from Lima says: Aaother beavy engagement has iaken plaee near Trujilo betweeu the goveruraent troops aud General Seminario’R rebels. There were heavy 1ohs9s on both sides before the Gnerillas withdrew from tbe field. Lima (Peru), August 20. The rebels have been defeated at Ruarras PoRT9MoiTH Augiist 20 —The Satanita beal the Britannia to-day for the Albert Club iu the regatta of the Royal Albert Club. The cour?e was about f»ny-six milesThe Alb rt Club was won lnst year by the Sal.mita, defeating tne Navahoe, BriUnnia and Oolnnna. L-'VDoN. August 20.—ReDlying to a queslion in the House of Com mons as to whai action tbe Government wouid lake in view of the Hoose o Lord’a veto ofthe Kvictrd (Tenante bill SirWi;iiem Vernnu ! Hacourl said that while thie waa , ihe greatesl qucetion that e&n occupy the Govrrnmet’s allenlion, it was ioadvisible t® make any su1 temeol on the subject nt nre»ent. Massilion (O.), A«g 20 J S. Coxey announee» that the pro 1 posed Labor Day oommouweal ■ deraonstration in Wasbington ‘Ihae been abandoued. ai.d that ' the next attack on the Capitol will be msde in December. when Congress re*»ssembies ) Iiongkong, Augnst 6 —Cbinese resideuts xt Kobe, have been at ,I tacked aud maltreste»l by a Japanese m-b Shangtiai. Augost 7.—Rusaia i is ready to thro» au h nny of uver 200.000 men iuto Core«, at a sbort notice. Tbe Russian army ia being coosUutly reinforced. Torpedoes are being laid iu 1 the Peiho river by the Chinese. , Tbe Japanese fleet in K »rea, . numbers 13 war vessela. > * Tbe Chiuesc captored a Jap ’ aneae and took h«r iot* |Taku |j Loodou. August 8.—Tfa* Jap janeae hascaptured Seikwaa Tb< a |Chine»e lost over 500 men. ’*{ Gogland and Bossīh bav< r |abandoaed mediation bet weei 'Ohioa »nd Ja;mn

A samm6r Widower does th« hna»wofi so qGĪckIv he oftoa' «oaders «baf tbe «omee fimi to . potter «boat 90 lut>g it doee : oot Uke tbe eoft soep man • qoarter of « mienle to mnke bis bed atul h« īs just »* quick ’.u 9ellmg SEVENTEF.N BAHS ofj SOAP for ?1 25 THIRTT ■ BOXES of Tokk» PAHLOH MATCHES for TEN CELNTS N BR£HAM 1 Bethel St MuliilTei 314 ,ng22 *