Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 199, 30 August 1894 — A DISGUISED POET. [ARTICLE]

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By the Alamedy today, Hawaii waa able to haii the return cf its “poet lauwale.” Tbe pompua little gentlemau who flcurisbed tbe American flig across tbe rnil of tho steamer tbis mornīog b«s been iu tronble, as have otberv of onr leamaaina«. lu this insUuce uu irrepressil>le vein of poetry w»« tbe eauae of disaeter. The hbrttio waa there It was as g. >od or even better than tbe average’'hash" whieh loeal {>oets or “d >ggereli»ts" generally pre sent to the public. Our“poet” wuuted mua.e. He wunted a Wrtgner and he got it. Sauvlet wbo is » professor and always re«dy to n>«ke u dollar ; •‘composed’’ (using old themes) tbe melodies desired for the song of our Dutch-Americau friend and ananged a most martiai tune for our Byron He alao sent iu a bill, and that is where tbe row oocured. Hawaii’s “ American’ Appollo from Yarmany beraus will not p«v. He was actually stopped and now we are without a monarcby. muaie. and laureates! Mav the ‘ poei’’ brnnch oot onee raore.