Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 199, 30 ʻAukake 1894 — LOCAL NOTES. [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu


—— Opiano is report-ed to be rery pleiitifal »nd Ter>- che«p. — C)oady sky. with w»nd 8 by W sboaid be «o indic«tioo of ram. ( Tbe Board ol Heahh now hae i aeeeei. or «o-called ‘eiecotire. ' ■r—irn« Tbe ste&mer Bolgic took forwnrd 1869 letten» »nd 903 papers,| ! yesterday. Tbe steamere Iwaiam and i James Makee will leave this after | noou for Kanai porta. Andrews. tbe poliee eaplain who did tbe iilegal street-firing, bas not yet beeo arrested Tbe uanal w ekiy return of tbe Marshal from Hilo to Honoluin is expected to occar on next Sat-; arday — Mr. Clmries Stoeckle, tbepopu-! iar pbonugrapbist, is now inter- | est ng residents, witb his maehine on Kauai. ___________ 1 Registration is rery siowly j i piogressing. Tbe members of both Boards have a *’soft anap’’ on the $5 per day, Toroorrow is the last day for registry by intending voters. The time m«y. however. be ex tend»*d bv the coancils E. A. Towse one of the Board ! >>f Exarainers denies the stateluenl made tbat be is au applicaut i for a poliee captaiacy Iii tbe breacb of promise eaae Julia J. Freitas vs Jose F Souza a jury awarded damages to the pla utitf. in the aum of oue doilar. Tbe Mannerchor Society had au interesting meeting iu ihe Facific Hotel parlors, l»st evening The Socioty will give a concert iu the near futnre — There will be man} 7 novel and iuteresting costuraes displayed at tbe Scheutzen club ran3que next Monday evening. Tickets are | being rapidly sold Auctioueer Levey will sell, tomorrow, at the re»idence of G. O. Naoayams a loi of bousehold furniture and other belonginps thereto Sale comraeuces at 10 o’eloek. Vaccinatton is not piogressing rapidly amo. g childreu ou the otbor islauds nor in town Some pbysiciaus have settled thut the virus is not fit for us6. Parents are natorallv distrustfnl. lt is reported that Port Sur I veyor Sanders will be gone forj an extended, not brief. penod of j time. Already some of the bnngry ones bave applicd £or thei position if vacant. The ** Improved Hawaiiana" will aieet tbis eveuing iu ihe parlors of the Y M. C. A. buildr ing. Instraction is to be given ; tbem, in tbe near future. how to I becr»me soldiers. “of Christ.'’ i i ■ Althongh there are raauy idie ■ men whites and nntives about i town tbe Oahu Rai!w»y improvements does not aeem to leaaen the nurober Canse why? Beeanse tbe contracU>r ituports his own meu! How about that $50 *>r a two years’ contract ? ♦ A Surprise Party. i : A uuiuber of masqaers eal ed at the residence of Fred. Ott ' iast night uud cougratolated him ou his reacbing tbe sninversarv of his birthduy. A iuowt glorious ■ time was bad and tbe "Daisy Beliu" “Butter Cups'' Madoo - nas” »nd T>evil8" joined t'iu wishing tueir popular boat maoy bappy returns ol the day. ■ For a wonder tb« republican spies did not ainell a conspiracy. , and allowed tbe paaty lo aow j ibeir wild o«ts

It rs to b* Loped that tbe arrival of tbe eommissioneni will ; bave Ihe efi«ct of makmg the nativea re»lite the sitoatioo I There is abaolotely no ose for w«iting; and pr»ying seems oot to be in demand