Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 199, 30 August 1894 — Page 2 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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PANIHEON SILOON, rorr atd hotvl sn Eiter|f!R Brevn Ct. Larg**i Cousiguiueut of Beer th»t ever arr>veU here. uor on Draogbt J DOOD. P>op r CRITERION SAL00N, W<iiand • Extra • Pakt Lager Heer 2 Schooners for 25 Cts. jyl t I. H DEE. Prop'r NOTICE. A!1 perw » are hmby notifi**d aml cautiotirtl that anyone c*ugbt g ;me oi any deechptioa or tr>'9p«s9ing on »ny of tbe i&nda beIongii)g to the umit-raigned on thia Is»i;d. will be prompt!y proeecot*d. [Signed]. J. I. DOWSETT. Honolulu, Aog. 25, 1894- lw*d PIONEEH Steam CANDY Factry. R4U FRY aad Ice Cream Parlors! 0R u, 1863 189-1 tr practtcal CON FEC T!OX EK and ORNAMENTER Iti all bra.tehe* o/ ike hueineu on Iheee ielanāe. Amerio»o, Eogliab, Oemuui acd Frencb PASTKIE8 Mftda to Ord«r. BIHTH-DAY AND WEDDING CAiB M«de ol the Verv B«*»t M«terial »od »t Keaeon«bl« R»te» Family Graham & Fancy Bread Ahcayt on Hand. ALI. 10YFF<T10.YFRY Maonf»ctared »t My E*Ubli»bment Are <iu»raotevd (o be Po»ltirely Pure ui 9cld »t Piieee no otber est»blisbBient ean compet<* witb. F.\CTORY ANp STORE. No. 71 Hot»! Strret, Honolol». Both Telepbooee No. 74. m e 'l’ iT’SATOSSUP Soraetime« wb«re to go to purehaae «ny p«rticul*r »rtiole. bot not if you happen to want n«ything iu tfce line of gupplies, PicTore piamea, or enUrged portraits, there ia but one plaee io Honolula, to purcba.se ali materials, and that’a KINO BROS.’ Store, for whieh tfcere is no hval oo tb«se ialamla. Tbe finest paintings io Hawai). are oo exbibition io tbia gailery. The firm makee a apecialty ol eolarging portraib> «s well m Qiakiog picture framee in tb« ▼ery I«teet «tylee of moaldioge. lu tb« sbeet piotarea, tLey h»Te IhooMna» to «»lect ln>o> of whieh they innie ao inepeehoo st «tty iime. KING BROS-, Hotel Street, H^nolalu »ag. 25-1 mdiy-