Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 199, 30 August 1894 — Page 2 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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— The Whlte House! 118 Xuuauu Aveouo, honolulu. hawaiian islands \ Fip$-cla$ l(ooming [ioo^e 1N EVERY KKSPECT. Rooms from $1-50 to $3.00 per Weet or 50c. per DayPAUL LEMKE. PROPRIATOR. Be!l ToKphr>ne 132- auj? 22 P(»UNI) MA>TEUS NOTK E Sotice is Uerebv given to all per*-nm tbat there «re «t tbt- (jovernmeut i’ound at M*kiki, t*u str»jred hoi» I red m«;v. wkite spot on the forehead, braad indescribabii ; on thc leg. white rigbt biud Wg. I red colt, wh>te »|.*ot un tbe (orehNd, while right hind leg. Auy i>ersou *« pcreons *>wning these hors«» are reuue»ted to eome and Uke the same on or heion» 12 o’eloek noon, 8ATUK1)AY, r>EPT. I, 1«M. JAMHS KL KONA. Ponnd Maeter. Makiki, Ang 21, 1 SR>4. ang. 21-1«. THO»l \S I 1M)>AY. Manujaetnre «t lfu e(hrnaker, Melnem? B!ock, 4o5 Fort St. Honolalu. *nSO IIj6 WorId Do I^0VE AM> SO U>E8 'l'iie - ]Messen£er - who h<ve mouiited lheir M«s8eoger3 on Columbia - Blcycle» Th*-y will deliver Patkvges (uu to oU ibe. weight) ;ind Mr?8age8 ttuo by any utber melbod »i:d t o. ** Don’t be t C)«m. n Sa>re tiroe «ud money by ugii;g ihe M*seenger Service. L. M. JOH\SON. M*uag2r Muioal 599 T«l: Be!l >59 jj5 3m RIXti CP J*CTCAL TELE. NIEP£R'S Baggage Exprets, OIHm, 289 Fort 5L, Honolnio, B 1. Baggag»> and Fumiture Cirefully j tisndted ar.d De)ivered at Shorf J Nouee b» All Pniie of the C:ty. j Staod ōo Cor. «f F»rt i Queen Su. j 1!« F0S 8ALL A PIKE •* MIDSIGHT ’* STALLION aoh b8ooriu tu P. i) Ualan. Tba oul» , ewa tw aeen at U» PA.STH£uN 8TABL£ I tnm k-monw* tf.