Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 199, 30 August 1894 — Hawaiian Hardware Comp'y. [ARTICLE]
Hawaiian Hardware Comp'y.
9 Aogusi 30. 18W Tbe thoa$ands at>rl tho6Huds ot t people who re*d tbe d*ily papers »nd get tbe news b»ppetiings from the fonr qaiirtors »*f earth, , Jo 80 with little tboaght of the eipeoee atiHcbed to getting ont a . paper and the trinls snd tribalaj tions of tbe editor and freqnent . loss of roonej to the owners. , The d £cnlties whieh be net the , paths of newspa|ier people T3r\’ .<iccording to loc»litv; in the Nothern States. wbere there are ‘nine months winter and three montbs very late faU,” īt frequentlv happens that the roads «re blocka»led with snow, just about J the timo the paper supplv is ex- * bansted, so the editor has to fall back on his polished-snrf ee r book paper to get ont his edition. * In Vick&burg. Missisippi, away 1 back in the sixtie5 an entire stock r i of wali paper was used in getting ' | out a weekly paper, newspaper 1 was not obtaioable. In some places tbe peo ( >lo will ’ demand a maiimum of news. telegraphio and loeal at a min- | imom price. and then wanl t»> pay tbeir subscription and | ing bills in wood or vogetables. : } Bot when Satnrday night comes ? aroond the gentle and nngentle Ci>mpositor rebels, when he is of- : fered anything, but eoin in pay5 meut for his services, nud tliis y accoonts for tlie fact tba? half ' j the editors in United St.»te.s are ’ tr.»uble.l with iuaoiwnia Wo have known coiup.*sitors in oun try towns to actually ref ise to ! live on a diet of rolier composiand sti:ke if tbe editor would not ' ; divide tho contents of tbe pasto | PotIn Honolulu, things are diflerent; pnper ia manafaotured in I Califurnia, aud the oeean never ī freezes eo bard tbat tbe vea.se! can’t run, so there is no delay 1 there iu getting a stock of paper; tbe ‘ typos” usually me«t the i businoss Managers on Saturday with a broad smile whieh they give in excbange for gooil go!d eoin, aud the editors who do not wear searcb ligbts m their shirt frouts leave them otf, bec«use they do not wish tu be mistaken by tounsts for capitalists. The • compositors, too, are a better class tbau you wili fiud on the | Pacific Coast; they dress better, live better and are better citizeus thauyou wiil fiud m other pluces, j uveu at twelve aud a half ceut beer is not iadaceuient enough for theiu t<» tuke ou “j »g. ’ lf there is unytbiug that wili set otf’the appearance of a home, a good haug.ug Lamps is the thiug. We liave stock of ■ Lamps that is so varied in styles ( and prices tbat we ean suit the tastes and purses of everyone. The buruers, whieh is reully i uiore iuipoitant tban the deCora tious, uave beeu 8elected with a to securiug the most powerful 1 iigbt with the le »st possibie amount of heat. We otfer these to the puhlie at pr.oes suf ficieutly luw to iuduce more people to buy than we have Lamps to seli. Garden Hose is as mueh a ueces-»ity as a taiepln>ue. ihe long stretches of Jry we ttlier knls tUe grass Uuless »t is irr g..ted and you c..uuot very well uuless you Lave Huae, tbe w«ter supplv is rae«gre but with u little couuiviug oue ean always get j onough to keep the grass aud plants alive. Tabie Knives, Carvers, Sponns and Fork« are cheaper than thev I have ever been before and w*e ; bave a big stock of them Tbe Knives are tbe best m»«de in the i btates and tbe Spoous anJ Forks ! the best quadrup e piate. Tbese ; wiil ia£t as loug as solid w>re tbat costs four or five times as mueh. {- We keep aiways a faii hue of tbese goods »nd ean supply «ny demaud. I * We neg)ected to meniion when writing aboat Garden Hose tbat 1 «e have a quautitv of the Jatest improved «ater sprtnkiers tbat «e ean aeil very eheap aud whieh are bonud to gire satiafactiod, if for no otb«r reason tbau tbey «ill uot gel out of ord«r aud very hUie fozve uf water ruus tbem. I Tte Emui aniiiie H . 807 Port Shreer \