Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 199, 30 August 1894 — LATEST NEWS. [ARTICLE]
London. Aug. 22. Morley, Chief Secretu) for Ireland, ha8 succee<led iu cuiming the sturm aroused by tlie lrish members as the result of the veto by the House of Laids of tbe Evicted Teuants bill. All motiuns made by the Irish members with the view of forcing Harcourt to an nounee tne Gi vernment’s policy were defeated n>day in the House | of Comiuons. He» Y<>rk,Ang 22. President . C!eveland retlrned t<Hlay from Buzzard Bay. He looked m excellent he.illh and proceeded «t onee to Washiogton. S m Francisoo, Aog 23. The Uuited Statos cruiser Philadelphia e.-ime in ont of the f- g and steam< d thr<<ugh the Ueads shortly after n«x«n yesterday. ! The Piiilauelphia eame frora H«‘noiulu. miking the trip in ten d »ys Sheste«m«*d slowly and bad go<»d we.ither all the way. T;<o cr«iiser is to g<> ta Maie Isl.<nd t< d <y, and on lier arrival ! tb?re Comni«nder Barker will be reiieved by C<ptain Charles Cotton, who w s a few days ago reiievmi from the eommaiul of tbe irceivuig siiip. iu«lepen<tence. Cbicago, Aug. 21. Tbere is great d«tregs growing out of the w.»nt «f f<KMi in aud around town ;of Puilm-m. More than a thousand fa.QM!es. or m the neigliburbood of 6000 v»eople. are destitute. Nearly four-fifths of them are womeu huJ chiidren Tbeso men h tve ende.«v »re i to get work, but were uuaule tu do so. . London, Aog 21 The Chroni dt C(>rresp« n«lcnt at Vienna, asserts that tbe nbdication of King ! Aiexander of Servia in favor of ■his father. ex King MiUu. is imminent. TbeServian Mimster« strongly oppeee tbe change. Berlin, Aug 21. Herr Dowe. ■ the inventor of bullet-proof j artnor. is said been wonoded in a performance at Aaehen last etening, a bullet baviug pierced the cuirass. London, Aug E0. Tbe engage ment īh annoanoed of Miss FIor enee Pallmaa dmgbter ol Geo. M Pullmau. tt the Prtnce uf lsenburg-Birsteb, tb«* eidesl sou of Pnnee CaarLe of laeobargBūsteio.