Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 199, 30 August 1894 — Sugar's Future. [ARTICLE]
Sugar's Future.
W r ash ; ngton. Aug. 21. Tbe sug»r men lmve takeu a great deal «*f c«mfoit «»ver tbe vote receutly i««d «n the motion of Senator M nder>on to instroct the Senate f ūunee Coraraittee to report an aiiienilmeiil to the Tree Sogar bill re establishing the MeKin* ley sngar bonnty. It was sbown the majoritv of the Senate voters were for tbe bouutv. When the Senate meets in December Stewart may not vote. whieh would leave the V.ce-President to decide apainst the bounty on • tie, But it is thoupht bj some wbo a»lvocate tl.e bounty that before the vote on tbe Free Sngar bill or ameuded b<II ean be had there will be three more Republic votes in tlie Senate.- Tbese are tho vjicaucies fr- m Moniana, Wasbingt«n nnd W\i-ming. \vhere it is c'airaed by tlie Rej>ubiicaus the L- gisiutnres elected th:s fatl will be Rcpnblic iu. Ohainnan Wilsoii will probablv go to Enrope soon after Congress adjoorns. | J