Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 198, 29 August 1894 — Untitled [ARTICLE]

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It is obtnl that Mr. W. O. j Bmith oo behalf of the g»vern- j nient will i‘«ise the question of j letters »«f den’Zation f«»r tlie purpose «»f disb «mng a numliee of : his colleagnes wh«» have n«>t been : found willing to fall down and > wor«hip the presideutial —and who |*erhaps have l>een in »re successful iu bnsinesa than j has the clever lawyers of the re- i public. L-tters «»f denization granted nuder the monarchy h«vo been oancelled by a clan»e in the n»-w cons.itntion. Comuion c«»urtfftey wonhl imluee the governine»«t t»> ext**nd new letters, nl least to members of tbe bar «>r o|»en an opportunity for them t» beconie n >t«iralized eiliaene. To uisl»ar lawyen» of the h gh standir.g of NeauiHun. the Ashf«>rd>, DHVidson aud othere will Im au act «f inf.uny whieh we liHrdlv betieve wili be aauelioneii by auy member«»f the bar with «»r ag«iu»t tb« repubiie If Mr Sonth ia h11>.w6.« to iudulge in sucb a conleiDptibte p.eee of spite this govenjiueut vtl) uever becoit.e st«ble.