Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 198, 29 August 1894 — Untitled [ARTICLE]

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It is nxtoni.'lung to notice thf nnml>er of utlifrwi!tc n»ti mn. n»eu wlio »«t pren«nt »re wu»ting their breHth nml time in Hlleg>nf. tliHtCK-veljiml loia not recogn.zed tlie republ cof Huwnii nei. Tl»e famttic spouters are alti‘gethei j lu»mg aiglit *»f the f.tct th«t Mr. Ore»ham hns ofticially ni»tifi*-d j Ct»ngre8S of snch recogniti<>n aml lhat Boutelle took oeeaaaioi to score the ad»ninistrttion foi | choking him olf when he wa» j ioaded to the neek with n 8|ieeoh ! eulogiziDg the Hawaiian republic. lt is fruitlc»s to enter into a dis euaaion on the meaniug «>f Clevehind’s letter. The »ophi»try d » piity«d by Bnsl»’» «nters mo»t b«* vtrv gr..iifying t«» tlie memV»ers of the iii8niie asylum. As the Amenean administration acc«»rding t«» Oreshani con»>ders th* rec> gniti<n eoniplele, and the Dvle g>>vernuient takes the same view, we c.tnnot see tliat it wili niake iu»teri«l d tference to Ha waii or the wolld at l>«rge what the iuterpretation of the wise men iu rr«uter's is.