Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 198, 29 ʻAukake 1894 — Page 1 Advertisements Column 3 [ADVERTISEMENT]
BRUCE CARTWR1CHT | itn n n<M o< a FUBCtcrr Sstar« TniiMirt*d. Prompt sn«tiaB «n«a «o »1» *******«* ; of Luu* G'i«rdtixuhipi. Trtts». ato.. etc., et«. Orfu**, : Ca.i\crigKi Buildt*g, Mereh»tu Str«*t- Honoiala H. MAY & Co., Tea Dealers, Coffee Roasters AM) Provision Merchants
98 Fort Sireet. Honolnle Families, Plantations and Sbip« supplied with choice«t Euwpean & A inerican {hwwie* California Produce by Everv Steamer. ]\Xerch.ant Exchanp;e Corner King ana Saa*nn StreeU. S. I. 8HAW....Proprietor. Tke Fiuest eelectk>n ol UQC0K8 and BEER. sold anywbere in the town. Fir»t-class »ttend*noe. Call and jadge foryoni»elf. no llS-tf. LEWIS & CD. \Mioiesaie snd Retaii Gro
PROVIS!ON DEALERS. FRESR CAL1F0RN1A 8ALM0N ONICE By Ereir Ban Francmoo 9teatnec Salt Salmon in Babbels a 8pecialty. /// Fort St., Honolulu. Tel . 240. O. Box 297 CALIFORNIA Wine Company 407 FORT STREET, Mclnerny Block. jOBBERS OF WINE8, and SPIRITS KEN6LUN, PH0T06RAPHEB, Nnuanu »ad Pnuah; Streets. Cabineis. 13.50 Per Dozen, “ 2.00 Per 1-2 Dozen l 8x10 $5,50 Per Di«en. “ 3,50 Per 1-2 Dozen. I Dry Goods ard Chinesa Silks.
plaiional li'on Woi 1^ Qr/.KJ« Str£ti AUkea *k Richard Sw. THE rSDERSIGVEI> ■» pr*p*r*-i *> make «U kiad» oi Iron Br&M» Brviiie, Zum, Tra *&d L«*d C«atraf» Aiw O«o«nd R«|mir Scop fox Ste«ra KĪMMilh, Com Milh. W*t«r WWk. Wiod Hilli. «w. M«fKiwa tur tk* 0»wiftg o i C«flk, €*ctor OiU, Bmm, Kakm, (hil, FSaeeppte tmrm k other Ftbraas l*bwta, And P«p«r thook »«« for Eitnedag S*!tk h» Um Anow Kooi, «tc. jy AU Orders p*o»ipdy «u*ad*d to. WHIĪE, RlTkCAN CO.